你忍, 你保持沉默,
也许读了以后, 我自己都会在想自己是不是太敏感了,
是有一点, 但我敢肯定这不是小器,
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Vbal..vbal..vbal...Charity charity charity...
Went to the Taylors Vbal Competition this afternoon(Finally ther's something for me to join)
DUHHHHH!!!!! Weren't really satisfied with the way they brought out the whole competition,
mostly everything seemed to be disorganised,
on the notice, I thought there should be minimum two girls in a team?
then some of the teams turned out to be 3 guys one girl?WTH?!
Actually it was said that ther shud b four ppl(ONLY!) in a group,
so yeah, 4 on 4(stupid rite?)
n it's RM15 for each team...
I looked for Rachel at first,
then she joined in,
so ther'r enough girls,
asked yiqian to join but she din manage to join in as she's gona go back to her hometown almost every weekend.
Anyway, my team turned out to be: 3 girls, one guy( who has no skills of a guy.at all..=( )
that guy brought his friend(he told rachel that he found a teammate for us
when we met in cafeteria this afternoon,
u noe wat he said?
he said," My friend never played vbal before..." WT...h...
kek man..
then I called Desmond, he can't help cos he's doing something(probably his class's event for charity)
then..nvm lor.
We played two games(round robin, 11 game point) not SIOK at all,
11 points is reached in such a shoooooortttttt period of time,
so yeah,
as expected,
we lost in both games...
most of us was extremely panic,
n din even manage to get the first ball or serve properly,
esp the guy, I expected him to be way off better than the girls,
but unfortunately,
he's not even better than another girl teammate of mine...
kek man!
anyway, I noe i shudn't be blaming anyone here,
sorry then,
jus speaking out wat I was thinking of...
NVM, try our best then..
next week stil got two more games(last two..)
I feel a bit hopeless,
the girls r pretty good...
but 3 girls 1 guy VS 3 guys one girl, HOW TO PLAY?!
WALAO, reli betahan every ECAs of taylors...
Taylors is organizing some kinda Charity events,
the ones I ve seen are Charity Car wash, Ordering of food, performances, modelling competition,etc...
I suppose every class should contribute something to this event,
for my class K1, we r joining with Entrepreneurs Club for the food ordering thingy,
I wasnt sure what I should do,
but I m supposed to be in the food-preparation group(haha, I din reli noe how to cook or make any food...ll try my best then)
If I ve a choice,
I'd rather do some performances(which I prefer more) than doing something I don't really like, such as...yeah, u noe dat...
For those performances, one ve to volunteer in joining diff types of auditions held,
noone is gona accompany me for that,
so I never went...
jus can't imagine how stupid'd I look walking in the room by myself..
so...this is wat I get for today,
never grab a chance to gain more experience...
DUHHHHH!!!!! Weren't really satisfied with the way they brought out the whole competition,
mostly everything seemed to be disorganised,
on the notice, I thought there should be minimum two girls in a team?
then some of the teams turned out to be 3 guys one girl?WTH?!
Actually it was said that ther shud b four ppl(ONLY!) in a group,
so yeah, 4 on 4(stupid rite?)
n it's RM15 for each team...
I looked for Rachel at first,
then she joined in,
so ther'r enough girls,
asked yiqian to join but she din manage to join in as she's gona go back to her hometown almost every weekend.
Anyway, my team turned out to be: 3 girls, one guy( who has no skills of a guy.at all..=( )
that guy brought his friend(he told rachel that he found a teammate for us
when we met in cafeteria this afternoon,
u noe wat he said?
he said," My friend never played vbal before..." WT...h...
kek man..
then I called Desmond, he can't help cos he's doing something(probably his class's event for charity)
then..nvm lor.
We played two games(round robin, 11 game point) not SIOK at all,
11 points is reached in such a shoooooortttttt period of time,
so yeah,
as expected,
we lost in both games...
most of us was extremely panic,
n din even manage to get the first ball or serve properly,
esp the guy, I expected him to be way off better than the girls,
but unfortunately,
he's not even better than another girl teammate of mine...
kek man!
anyway, I noe i shudn't be blaming anyone here,
sorry then,
jus speaking out wat I was thinking of...
NVM, try our best then..
next week stil got two more games(last two..)
I feel a bit hopeless,
the girls r pretty good...
but 3 girls 1 guy VS 3 guys one girl, HOW TO PLAY?!
WALAO, reli betahan every ECAs of taylors...
Taylors is organizing some kinda Charity events,
the ones I ve seen are Charity Car wash, Ordering of food, performances, modelling competition,etc...
I suppose every class should contribute something to this event,
for my class K1, we r joining with Entrepreneurs Club for the food ordering thingy,
I wasnt sure what I should do,
but I m supposed to be in the food-preparation group(haha, I din reli noe how to cook or make any food...ll try my best then)
If I ve a choice,
I'd rather do some performances(which I prefer more) than doing something I don't really like, such as...yeah, u noe dat...
For those performances, one ve to volunteer in joining diff types of auditions held,
noone is gona accompany me for that,
so I never went...
jus can't imagine how stupid'd I look walking in the room by myself..
so...this is wat I get for today,
never grab a chance to gain more experience...
Getting ourselves prepared for the night..

*Trying to 'open up' the eyes?*
WELL, the biggest reason that we planned to go is because of this LADY, this 千金小姐。。。
she joined modelling comp, n we r there to support her...
(support= lose of voice...=S)
Bel..u shud b touched eh? we screamed for u, for u OKAY?
actually we don wana lose to the other contestants' supporters too...=D
friends are for this purpose- to support u...YEAH!
With Bel's 'meimei' n mami...

Expected Jackie to get in to the finals(at least), but......
yeah....we were disappointed n tot it was quite unbelievable for others' to get in but not him..
he spent quite a large amount of money on his costume eh..
BOOOooooooooo....before gettin to MPH to watch the show

Saw the pretty gal beside me? We expected her to be one of the winners, but....
again, we predicted wrongly! haha=D
me n ewen(hmph, she zhongseqingyou, don wan us liao...HAHA)
us wif some of the contestants
another QIAO photo of Bel..

BUh, good night, it's 435am now...good morning..
*Trying to 'open up' the eyes?*
WELL, the biggest reason that we planned to go is because of this LADY, this 千金小姐。。。
she joined modelling comp, n we r there to support her...
(support= lose of voice...=S)
Bel..u shud b touched eh? we screamed for u, for u OKAY?
actually we don wana lose to the other contestants' supporters too...=D
friends are for this purpose- to support u...YEAH!
Expected Jackie to get in to the finals(at least), but......
yeah....we were disappointed n tot it was quite unbelievable for others' to get in but not him..
he spent quite a large amount of money on his costume eh..
again, we predicted wrongly! haha=D
BUh, good night, it's 435am now...good morning..
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Another chance?
here comes another chance for me to meet the contestants,
this time not contestantS, it's contestanT.
We were passing by Little Taiwan to go to a mamak store,
suddenly I saw Frankie,
n I told Yanyee,
she din't believe me,
she said- 不要骗我啦!
I tot she was desperate to see him too,
as she said she wana c him too in the afternoon(after I told her about my 'incident')
ewen n yanyee seemed less excited than I did,
I din't noe what should I do,
heart kinda beating fast,
dunno y,
it's even faster than the time when I met guangliang,
such a coward I m...
After walking back n forth,
I stil din manage to walk towards him n talk to him,
then ewen n yanyee said we better go for dinner first,
if we cum back n they r stil ther,
then we ll go to him,
n YEAH..
he's not gone yet when we finished our dinner,
I went forward,accompanied by yy n ewen,
I asked "请问你是 Frankie ma?"
He nodded his head...
then Yanyee said, 他要跟你拍照。。。
haha, thank goodness yanyee helped me speak out,
I din't noe wat to say after asking him the first question,
After that,
he 'friendliLY' smiled n stood up to be ready to be taken photo,
he posed, with one of his hand with a 'peace' pose, n another hand over my shoulder,
suddenly ewen asked a cute question when the atmosphere was kinda tense,
“要flash 吗?”
I was...*跌倒* HUH?
yeah, photo is taken successfully...
then ther was a moment of silence n "ganga-ness",
suddenly ewen( quite nervous too) said:"we r from Brunei too"
Frankie(a lil surprised), ooo, dats the place where I grew up...(yeah, we noe dat..)
then,. yeah, I told him to JIA YOU, n told him I heard about him before when I was in Brunei too,
He nodded n smiled back..
just think that he got PRETTY CUTE fringe...
o yeah, forgot to mention about the 'GUY' sitting beside him,
he's the host of the Astro Talent Quest,
we din realise it until yanyee mentioned about him after we left the place,
we were like..Yer...Yucks...
HAHA, he must b crying when he gets back to his house..
being neglected...
jus don like him,
he's too..dunno how to say
then this is d photo!!!!
HAHA...I tried to cover the dark circles around the eyes, but it turned out weird(esp me), however, maybe it's cos of my a-lil-swollen eyes too...
P.S this photo is finally taken after a long period of hesitation(whether to go to him o not)
BUT yeah...thanks to those two 38po companion, dats y I dared to walk towards him, although ther's no big deal, maybe some of u might think "take photo, so what?", but at least I grabbed the chance to train myself taking to someone I dunno, although I din't do that well this time, but still, ther's 'EXPERIENCE"..a kinda unique experience...haha=D
O.S: If wanyen's gang were wif me, they would probably CHIONG* to him n talk a lot(MassCom students), that's y I think I shud train myself to b more....daring in this kinda things...
*该丢脸的时候不丢,不该丢脸的时候却。。。。*'DIU-lian' here actually refers to -having the courage to be a bit more 放得开...haha=D
here comes another chance for me to meet the contestants,
this time not contestantS, it's contestanT.
We were passing by Little Taiwan to go to a mamak store,
suddenly I saw Frankie,
n I told Yanyee,
she din't believe me,
she said- 不要骗我啦!
I tot she was desperate to see him too,
as she said she wana c him too in the afternoon(after I told her about my 'incident')
ewen n yanyee seemed less excited than I did,
I din't noe what should I do,
heart kinda beating fast,
dunno y,
it's even faster than the time when I met guangliang,
such a coward I m...
After walking back n forth,
I stil din manage to walk towards him n talk to him,
then ewen n yanyee said we better go for dinner first,
if we cum back n they r stil ther,
then we ll go to him,
n YEAH..
he's not gone yet when we finished our dinner,
I went forward,accompanied by yy n ewen,
I asked "请问你是 Frankie ma?"
He nodded his head...
then Yanyee said, 他要跟你拍照。。。
haha, thank goodness yanyee helped me speak out,
I din't noe wat to say after asking him the first question,
After that,
he 'friendliLY' smiled n stood up to be ready to be taken photo,
he posed, with one of his hand with a 'peace' pose, n another hand over my shoulder,
suddenly ewen asked a cute question when the atmosphere was kinda tense,
“要flash 吗?”
I was...*跌倒* HUH?
yeah, photo is taken successfully...
then ther was a moment of silence n "ganga-ness",
suddenly ewen( quite nervous too) said:"we r from Brunei too"
Frankie(a lil surprised), ooo, dats the place where I grew up...(yeah, we noe dat..)
then,. yeah, I told him to JIA YOU, n told him I heard about him before when I was in Brunei too,
He nodded n smiled back..
just think that he got PRETTY CUTE fringe...
o yeah, forgot to mention about the 'GUY' sitting beside him,
he's the host of the Astro Talent Quest,
we din realise it until yanyee mentioned about him after we left the place,
we were like..Yer...Yucks...
HAHA, he must b crying when he gets back to his house..
being neglected...
jus don like him,
he's too..dunno how to say
then this is d photo!!!!

P.S this photo is finally taken after a long period of hesitation(whether to go to him o not)
BUT yeah...thanks to those two 38po companion, dats y I dared to walk towards him, although ther's no big deal, maybe some of u might think "take photo, so what?", but at least I grabbed the chance to train myself taking to someone I dunno, although I din't do that well this time, but still, ther's 'EXPERIENCE"..a kinda unique experience...haha=D
O.S: If wanyen's gang were wif me, they would probably CHIONG* to him n talk a lot(MassCom students), that's y I think I shud train myself to b more....daring in this kinda things...
*该丢脸的时候不丢,不该丢脸的时候却。。。。*'DIU-lian' here actually refers to -having the courage to be a bit more 放得开...haha=D
Chances missed
Remember what I mentioned in my entry uploaded few days ago?
It's about the Astro Talent Quest contestants..
Just now, I received a SMS from Yengfang,
she told me dat she saw the contestants around her skul
(as her skul is nearby mine)
as told by her, the ppl r comin to the direction of my college,
n at that time,
I was just about to go to school from my two hours break...
Just when I turned to the corner,
I immediately saw a familiar face,
a familiar cute fringe,
IT"S FRANKIE!---(He joined Astro xinxiu, n nearly got into Finals..)
the one who stayed in Brunei before,
the girl in front of her(who knows me) distracted my attention,
after saying HI to the girl,(at that time, Frankie was staring at me, maybe he thought i was greeting to him..)
I jus smiled, then walked off, crossed the road,
with full excitement, nervousness n yeah, regret..
for not having the courage to talk to him,
or maybe take a photo with him...
The situation was similar to dat day,
except I was alone just now,
with noone beside me...
I thought if i wana b a successful one in MassCom field,
I should be more daring to speak n talk to the the 'public',
but seems I haven got enuf 'training' for that too...
gona improve on that,
nvm, there 'r still many chances,
I gona appreciate the next coming chance!!
It's about the Astro Talent Quest contestants..
Just now, I received a SMS from Yengfang,
she told me dat she saw the contestants around her skul
(as her skul is nearby mine)
as told by her, the ppl r comin to the direction of my college,
n at that time,
I was just about to go to school from my two hours break...
Just when I turned to the corner,
I immediately saw a familiar face,
a familiar cute fringe,
IT"S FRANKIE!---(He joined Astro xinxiu, n nearly got into Finals..)
the one who stayed in Brunei before,
the girl in front of her(who knows me) distracted my attention,
after saying HI to the girl,(at that time, Frankie was staring at me, maybe he thought i was greeting to him..)
I jus smiled, then walked off, crossed the road,
with full excitement, nervousness n yeah, regret..
for not having the courage to talk to him,
or maybe take a photo with him...
The situation was similar to dat day,
except I was alone just now,
with noone beside me...
I thought if i wana b a successful one in MassCom field,
I should be more daring to speak n talk to the the 'public',
but seems I haven got enuf 'training' for that too...
gona improve on that,
nvm, there 'r still many chances,
I gona appreciate the next coming chance!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
HATE my cam

My sis got this CASIO EXLIM cam for me two yrs ago(not sure how long is it actually),
Liked it so much( my sis never chose the wrong thing for me~I love everything she bought for me)
However, a camera has no difference as human beings, it falls sick too, after being so healthy for 2 yrs(or maybe more than dat) it's time for me to send it to the 'hospital' for 'medical check-up'
BI BO BI BO.....*sound effect of ambulance*
but its owner is not free to send it yet, so it s gona suffer( n let its owner suffer for these few days) til I ve time to bring it for repairing.
Every pic taken is so not-clear,
reli fed up with it,
Although I brought it to the concert that day,
but I din use it much though,
except for taking videos....
used yanyee's cam most of the time.
after Math(BORED~~ !YawnnZ)
we were so-like thieves,
Mr Chong( a.k.a Mr SHhhhhh, as he owes SHhhh....)
said we r not allowed to eat or drink in the class starting from today,
so 3 of us, TOU TOU drink like we r reli committing any crime...
so stupid..
buh...end here! bb my frens!
choices of phone company in Msia

Nah~ Din really know the differences in the price rate~
Have been using 012 since I came KL as that's the number my parents bought in Sarawak(so that when we go Miri or Kuching, we can 'communicate' easier)
When I first came here, my credit in the phone is about RM100+,
then after calling back Brunei for about twice, RM20+ is left...
then I calculate briefly, n got the result- RM2.50 per min,
since then,
I never used my handphone to call back Bru anymore.
can't afford~
Few days ago,
I bought a Digi number,
a number for RM8.50 with RM5.00 free credit,
so in short,
the number is oni RM3.50...
thinking back of DSTcom(Brunei's main phone company),
I started wondering how it's gona survive if it's to b in Msia,
a number for B$ 100?!* about RM230*(if i m nt mistaken),
now, the price falls to around B$50 or maybe B$20 or B$30(I suppose)*convert to RM , multiply by 2.3*
calling rate(B$0.40 per min), SMS(B$0.05 per SMS)--about dis-
P.S-hey Bru ppl, if i got anything wrong here , pls notify me, thanks~
n accepting calls B$0.20,
in Msia, it's free of charge to accept calls eh!
kek man...
however, dat's it,
brunei-ans ve get used to it,
as everyone does it, so yeah....haha=D
o yeah,
reason for being 'willing' to 'take care' of a second msia number:
1) most of my friends r using Digi(016), msg+call=cheaper
2)calling back to Brunei(fixed line) is only RM0.18 per min
3)the Yellow ppl r cute(forgot their name)
In conclusion, I can call my mom n dad more often now!! YEAPIE!
for more info-
calling to fixed line in Canada, USA, Brunei, China, HK, Macau, Spore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Aust, France, Germany, Italy, NZ(can call my jiejie), Norway, etc is only RM0.18 too!!!! while to Mobile line, the rate is different though~
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 所谓白天别讲人,夜间别说鬼....
yy:" 是meh?"
佩霓:"真的是, 你看!"
遗憾的是, 我们两个都有点过于兴奋,所以....
this is the girl we saw, I suppose...

This is not the guy we saw, but he is quite good, n most importantly, he's from Brunei(although he's Msian, but he stayed in Brunei for many yrs, or maybe since young? not sure)
he's Frankie, it's such a pity that he's been eliminated that day, JUST ONE MORE STEP TO FINALS!!! arghhhh!! however, I think he shud ve been spotted by some company, even 包小松kinda praised him so much...so u can imagine~ 星路一片光明~ n I do hope he ll succeed in this field too~ GOOD LUCK Frankie!

Sunday, July 22, 2007
988FM concert ROX!
HI!!!I cant calm down, altho the concert has finished like more than 4 hrs ago? haha

My first experience for a concert is quite okay~
despite the smelly atmosphere(ppl around u sweat~ meself too~*puKE*)
listening to LIVE is definitely different from watching on TV,
I was having the concept that oni stupid ppl go to listen to LIVE,
now then I realised I m not completely correct for dat~
grab a chance...
n FEEL it~
no regrets...
n of cos u gota go wif a bunch of close frens,
so dat u d get really high n scream like hell!
comment on the singers?
after monday lar...(after Math test)
ll upload some photos first tho..
photos of singers?
dun ve..
got videos nia..
wana c?
when i go back bru..
come to my house n watch it in my laptop..
lazy to upload it here~
wait till the day when I get reli'wusim' to upload so many things in here!
o yeah, for ur info..
today's singers include Gary caoge, Nicholas zhangdongliang, Joey Rongzhuer, pinguan, Yumiko, superstars champion n top ten winners, danny wenliming, daniel lijihan, WHY, etc...
enjoyed their performance tho~ adore the DJs so much, M'sian DJ rox!!!
Bel's sis is damn cute~ hehe...lov her kindness n sincerity~ she just gave me dat strong feeling of everything GOOD...hahas..enjoyed CRAZI-ing wif em! woahhhh...SIOK arh, I LOVE CONCERTS!!!!!
used my "unique-hair-tying' way to 'curl' my hair up, as my curly curly caterpillar hair is going to stick al over my neck n face~ yucks... SWEAT+HAIR stuck together=YUCKs
em, first, It was performance by Digi CelebriTeen, four guys( named as F4s?) performed some kinda chinese songs...then...forgot
after that,....
CAO GE, phewittt!!
listening to him in LIVE is similar to listening to his album,
btw, he looks a bit gay...
we enjoyed his performance very very muchhhhhh....
wanted to type wat he said here..
but too lazy(again),
em, briefly describe it then,
he's rather creative n humorous in talking..
yeah, so everyone was quite impressed by him
Pin Guan, needless to say,
he's 'SHI LI PAI' singer too,
so no doubt his voice had let the listeners FEEL wat he reli wana express thru his songs..
W.H.Y(lemme think of Cyndi Wang, cos they r CUTE type...*don reli like...*, but at least they got nice voice), Wenliming(mengapa....siapa...blablablal), Daniel lijihan-he looks a bit like a child, John(previous Superstar champion), 2007 Superstar Champions(female n male)-din reli think they performed THAT well that night. who else...aiyah, the others not dat important liao...
NICHOLAS zhangdongliang!!!!!!!!!!!
he's pretty good-looking in real person, dunno wat's wrong with his throat recently...
he seemed to ve difficulty in talking 'loud-ER' to 'warm up' the atmosphere...
he's the only singer who got a bouquet of flowers from the fans..
COOl urh?
Joey rongzhuer was the last performing,
most of the audiences left earlier, cos of the stupid traffic jam at that area...
she's good in LIVE too( she's popular for dat actually)
After the night,
I started to get more worried about wat course shud I take for uni,
MassCom? seemed so many ppl who could get into that field so easily wifout a cert jus by joining competition n get popular...
So..it seems unfair to me,
dunno lar..
ll think about it some day~
it's freezing cold here....(as if it's winter---DUh...)
buh...byebye evyone!
My first experience for a concert is quite okay~
despite the smelly atmosphere(ppl around u sweat~ meself too~*puKE*)
listening to LIVE is definitely different from watching on TV,
I was having the concept that oni stupid ppl go to listen to LIVE,
now then I realised I m not completely correct for dat~
grab a chance...
n FEEL it~
no regrets...
n of cos u gota go wif a bunch of close frens,
so dat u d get really high n scream like hell!
comment on the singers?
after monday lar...(after Math test)
ll upload some photos first tho..
photos of singers?
dun ve..
got videos nia..
wana c?
when i go back bru..
come to my house n watch it in my laptop..
lazy to upload it here~
wait till the day when I get reli'wusim' to upload so many things in here!
o yeah, for ur info..
today's singers include Gary caoge, Nicholas zhangdongliang, Joey Rongzhuer, pinguan, Yumiko, superstars champion n top ten winners, danny wenliming, daniel lijihan, WHY, etc...
enjoyed their performance tho~ adore the DJs so much, M'sian DJ rox!!!
em, first, It was performance by Digi CelebriTeen, four guys( named as F4s?) performed some kinda chinese songs...then...forgot
after that,....
CAO GE, phewittt!!
listening to him in LIVE is similar to listening to his album,
btw, he looks a bit gay...
we enjoyed his performance very very muchhhhhh....
wanted to type wat he said here..
but too lazy(again),
em, briefly describe it then,
he's rather creative n humorous in talking..
yeah, so everyone was quite impressed by him
Pin Guan, needless to say,
he's 'SHI LI PAI' singer too,
so no doubt his voice had let the listeners FEEL wat he reli wana express thru his songs..
W.H.Y(lemme think of Cyndi Wang, cos they r CUTE type...*don reli like...*, but at least they got nice voice), Wenliming(mengapa....siapa...blablablal), Daniel lijihan-he looks a bit like a child, John(previous Superstar champion), 2007 Superstar Champions(female n male)-din reli think they performed THAT well that night. who else...aiyah, the others not dat important liao...
NICHOLAS zhangdongliang!!!!!!!!!!!
he's pretty good-looking in real person, dunno wat's wrong with his throat recently...
he seemed to ve difficulty in talking 'loud-ER' to 'warm up' the atmosphere...
he's the only singer who got a bouquet of flowers from the fans..
COOl urh?
Joey rongzhuer was the last performing,
most of the audiences left earlier, cos of the stupid traffic jam at that area...
she's good in LIVE too( she's popular for dat actually)
After the night,
I started to get more worried about wat course shud I take for uni,
MassCom? seemed so many ppl who could get into that field so easily wifout a cert jus by joining competition n get popular...
So..it seems unfair to me,
dunno lar..
ll think about it some day~
it's freezing cold here....(as if it's winter---DUh...)
buh...byebye evyone!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Spent RM26 on "neoprints', considered reasonable eh?

And I got peach from my 2ee, brought far away from china, LOVE it to much~ stil got one more, bu she de makan..

AND, we got free "samples" from the college,
STayfree and Carefree advertisement, not advertisement, wat du u cal dat? DUnno...
nah, this photo n taken by yanyee+ the pads/pantiliners r 'arranged' by yanyee too~ she's jus too free here....

And I got peach from my 2ee, brought far away from china, LOVE it to much~ stil got one more, bu she de makan..
AND, we got free "samples" from the college,
STayfree and Carefree advertisement, not advertisement, wat du u cal dat? DUnno...
nah, this photo n taken by yanyee+ the pads/pantiliners r 'arranged' by yanyee too~ she's jus too free here....
Thursday, July 19, 2007
wat kinda mood s this?=(
After realising what I ve done were actually inappropriate,
guiltiness in me increased even more when I looked at the photos taken when having fun shopping in the weekends and my mom was there at home missing her daughters who are not at her side.SIgh~

I miss my mom's cook~(although those in restaurants r yummy too, but still ther's a lack of love in the food)
One of yanyee's bday present bought, we haven't prepare the others...
gona plan properly mah, buy presents which she could really get used of.
She has been wanting a cap for ages.
then NAH, der's one for her(she chose by herself 1)

When we get home, we got vain agen...
camwhoreD a lot, but not gona show u al!! too embarrassing=S

My newly bought(weeks ago actually)wana take a shot too~ KEPO-kia
This is the bday card I made for Yanyee( in about 2 hrs, wif the help of lihua n shitu cutting some of the golden dog shapes in the second pic shown)
Ehseh, she should be happy eh,
I have not made any card for anyone for a very long time...
so she's considered very lucky.
Actually I didn't know what else could contribute other than Belanja-ing her a dinner, buying her a present, a cake, n...yeah, maybe with a DIY card(so that she could feel our sincerity)
And, yeah, I can see she's touched...
From the fact that she was so nervous when she tot the card was left in the restaurant( I kept it cos I knew she'd forget to take it)
description:She loves dogs, so I searched through the internet and found some pic of dogs, initially I was planning to draw and stick different kinds of dogs(coloured) around the card, but.....we don ve Oil Pastle or color pencil, so I came out with a brilliant idea- "shadows"=shapes...n it came out quite satisfying~
My closest cousin s back from England/Beijing.
For more info, she's my "dry" sis, n we ve been bathing together since young, stil dares to do it now!*unbelievable?* HAHAs...believe o not, dats ur choice! =P
She's considerate, intelligent, caring, gets fat n slim easily, got high forehead, curly hair....etc
hahas......better leave some privacy for her~
cos I LOVE HER~ haha.....we r les~=)
And I followed my ee-aunt n ezhang-uncle(my cousin's parents)to CHilli(i think it's spelled like dis), a restaurant which is surprisingly full with customers, n we had to wait for about half an hour to be seated...
I ordered Chocolate Banana(RM8/9+), and Lamb Shoulder(but the waitress heard wrongly), but stil it's LAMB la, but dunno which part, shud b leg...
after tasting the food, I understood y ther r so many customers in there.
So, the prices should be considered reasonable though.
guiltiness in me increased even more when I looked at the photos taken when having fun shopping in the weekends and my mom was there at home missing her daughters who are not at her side.SIgh~
I miss my mom's cook~(although those in restaurants r yummy too, but still ther's a lack of love in the food)
One of yanyee's bday present bought, we haven't prepare the others...
gona plan properly mah, buy presents which she could really get used of.
She has been wanting a cap for ages.
then NAH, der's one for her(she chose by herself 1)
When we get home, we got vain agen...
camwhoreD a lot, but not gona show u al!! too embarrassing=S
My newly bought(weeks ago actually)wana take a shot too~ KEPO-kia
Ehseh, she should be happy eh,
I have not made any card for anyone for a very long time...
so she's considered very lucky.
Actually I didn't know what else could contribute other than Belanja-ing her a dinner, buying her a present, a cake, n...yeah, maybe with a DIY card(so that she could feel our sincerity)
And, yeah, I can see she's touched...
From the fact that she was so nervous when she tot the card was left in the restaurant( I kept it cos I knew she'd forget to take it)
description-milk bottle*purpose*=she has BIG *****, so milk bottle represents something related to herdescription:She loves dogs, so I searched through the internet and found some pic of dogs, initially I was planning to draw and stick different kinds of dogs(coloured) around the card, but.....we don ve Oil Pastle or color pencil, so I came out with a brilliant idea- "shadows"=shapes...n it came out quite satisfying~
My closest cousin s back from England/Beijing.
For more info, she's my "dry" sis, n we ve been bathing together since young, stil dares to do it now!*unbelievable?* HAHAs...believe o not, dats ur choice! =P
She's considerate, intelligent, caring, gets fat n slim easily, got high forehead, curly hair....etc
hahas......better leave some privacy for her~
cos I LOVE HER~ haha.....we r les~=)
I ordered Chocolate Banana(RM8/9+), and Lamb Shoulder(but the waitress heard wrongly), but stil it's LAMB la, but dunno which part, shud b leg...
after tasting the food, I understood y ther r so many customers in there.
So, the prices should be considered reasonable though.
What ve i done for these few months?
I admit I ve neglected my family while having fun here in KL,
I havent called back since April n this just saddened my mom,
she dint tell me,
I was(luckily) informed by my two beloved sisters,
Blame myself for being so ignorant al the times,
never focus on anything,
everyday think of more ways to have fun, to relax...
HOW COULD I forget about my parents?
Actually I did think of them,
but I din't call back,
I m not giving any reasons for this,
cos I'd feel more guilty if I do so.
However, felt so sorry.
So, I decided to buy a new Digi number just to call back Brunei(as it's only RM0.18 per min)
compared to my stupid Maxis(which is RM2.5+ per min), it's ways cheaper~
I MUST CALL BACK! whenever I think of my mami n papa~
I don wana be such an useless daughter~
as I really din meant to b one=(
I admit I ve neglected my family while having fun here in KL,
I havent called back since April n this just saddened my mom,
she dint tell me,
I was(luckily) informed by my two beloved sisters,
Blame myself for being so ignorant al the times,
never focus on anything,
everyday think of more ways to have fun, to relax...
HOW COULD I forget about my parents?
Actually I did think of them,
but I din't call back,
I m not giving any reasons for this,
cos I'd feel more guilty if I do so.
However, felt so sorry.
So, I decided to buy a new Digi number just to call back Brunei(as it's only RM0.18 per min)
compared to my stupid Maxis(which is RM2.5+ per min), it's ways cheaper~
I MUST CALL BACK! whenever I think of my mami n papa~
I don wana be such an useless daughter~
as I really din meant to b one=(
Sunday, July 15, 2007
12/7 was danai's bday...
she deserved to ve her frens celebrating it with her cos...
she's been putting so much effort in organising her fren's celebration in the past(including mine)
my first surprise bday party in my life is given by her n frens from F4A('05)
HAHAs....jus couldnt forget dat particular memorable day of mine~
buh, ther r some photos taken on dat day....
ve a LOOK~
Well, this is taken on my bday, nvr seen yanyee's expression like dis?
AND, as requested, I did the same thing she did to me on HER bday~ Wu liao-ing...

SEE how these ppl bullied me? I was so happy on dat day but the rest r not as they ve exams on the nex day( dats y I was so touched, they still celebrated it with me)

This is taken in Pizza Hut, Yanyee's a luckier than me, as everyone is so damn free on her bday, however, wana praise me myself n ewen for "sacrificing" our time( we ve test on the nex day), WORTh-ed it anyway, to organise a celebration for a good friend.

TA DAM....
Sing a bday song to the world's most handsome n kindest sultan!!!!!!
i think the students ve to wake up early in the morning n go wave flags at the city..
miss those times~.~

I miss the question asked by His Majesty so so much,
for more than 3 times
Sultan: What school are you from?
Peiyi: Your Majesty, I am from Chung Hwa Middle School, B.S.B
Sultan: Good performance...
yeah, dats it~
I have been expecting His Majesty to ask other questions~(other than that same question for like three years)
but then. I don think I ve any more chances to ve a conversation with him anymore..
ANyways, HAPPY 61th Birthday to our beloved sultan again!!!
was thinkin to send a bday card to His Majesty, but din noe the address of the istana...(lame~)
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< style="font-size:130%;">HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our sweetest lecturer-Puan Noor too!

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< And, last but not least,HAPPY BELATED BDAY to TCher KAREN~the tcher who is loved by everyone~
I LOVE ALL THE 寿星 and 寿星婆s!!
(lousy conclusion..)
she deserved to ve her frens celebrating it with her cos...
she's been putting so much effort in organising her fren's celebration in the past(including mine)
my first surprise bday party in my life is given by her n frens from F4A('05)
HAHAs....jus couldnt forget dat particular memorable day of mine~
buh, ther r some photos taken on dat day....
ve a LOOK~
Well, this is taken on my bday, nvr seen yanyee's expression like dis?
SEE how these ppl bullied me? I was so happy on dat day but the rest r not as they ve exams on the nex day( dats y I was so touched, they still celebrated it with me)
This is taken in Pizza Hut, Yanyee's a luckier than me, as everyone is so damn free on her bday, however, wana praise me myself n ewen for "sacrificing" our time( we ve test on the nex day), WORTh-ed it anyway, to organise a celebration for a good friend.
TA DAM....
Sing a bday song to the world's most handsome n kindest sultan!!!!!!
i think the students ve to wake up early in the morning n go wave flags at the city..
miss those times~.~

I miss the question asked by His Majesty so so much,
for more than 3 times
Sultan: What school are you from?
Peiyi: Your Majesty, I am from Chung Hwa Middle School, B.S.B
Sultan: Good performance...
yeah, dats it~
I have been expecting His Majesty to ask other questions~(other than that same question for like three years)
but then. I don think I ve any more chances to ve a conversation with him anymore..
ANyways, HAPPY 61th Birthday to our beloved sultan again!!!
was thinkin to send a bday card to His Majesty, but din noe the address of the istana...(lame~)
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< style="font-size:130%;">HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our sweetest lecturer-Puan Noor too!
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< And, last but not least,HAPPY BELATED BDAY to TCher KAREN~the tcher who is loved by everyone~

(lousy conclusion..)
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