here comes another chance for me to meet the contestants,
this time not contestantS, it's contestanT.
We were passing by Little Taiwan to go to a mamak store,
suddenly I saw Frankie,
n I told Yanyee,
she din't believe me,
she said- 不要骗我啦!
I tot she was desperate to see him too,
as she said she wana c him too in the afternoon(after I told her about my 'incident')
ewen n yanyee seemed less excited than I did,
I din't noe what should I do,
heart kinda beating fast,
dunno y,
it's even faster than the time when I met guangliang,
such a coward I m...
After walking back n forth,
I stil din manage to walk towards him n talk to him,
then ewen n yanyee said we better go for dinner first,
if we cum back n they r stil ther,
then we ll go to him,
n YEAH..
he's not gone yet when we finished our dinner,
I went forward,accompanied by yy n ewen,
I asked "请问你是 Frankie ma?"
He nodded his head...
then Yanyee said, 他要跟你拍照。。。
haha, thank goodness yanyee helped me speak out,
I din't noe wat to say after asking him the first question,
After that,
he 'friendliLY' smiled n stood up to be ready to be taken photo,
he posed, with one of his hand with a 'peace' pose, n another hand over my shoulder,
suddenly ewen asked a cute question when the atmosphere was kinda tense,
“要flash 吗?”
I was...*跌倒* HUH?
yeah, photo is taken successfully...
then ther was a moment of silence n "ganga-ness",
suddenly ewen( quite nervous too) said:"we r from Brunei too"
Frankie(a lil surprised), ooo, dats the place where I grew up...(yeah, we noe dat..)
then,. yeah, I told him to JIA YOU, n told him I heard about him before when I was in Brunei too,
He nodded n smiled back..
just think that he got PRETTY CUTE fringe...
o yeah, forgot to mention about the 'GUY' sitting beside him,
he's the host of the Astro Talent Quest,
we din realise it until yanyee mentioned about him after we left the place,
we were like..Yer...Yucks...
HAHA, he must b crying when he gets back to his house..
being neglected...
jus don like him,
he's too..dunno how to say
then this is d photo!!!!

P.S this photo is finally taken after a long period of hesitation(whether to go to him o not)
BUT yeah...thanks to those two 38po companion, dats y I dared to walk towards him, although ther's no big deal, maybe some of u might think "take photo, so what?", but at least I grabbed the chance to train myself taking to someone I dunno, although I din't do that well this time, but still, ther's 'EXPERIENCE"..a kinda unique experience...haha=D
O.S: If wanyen's gang were wif me, they would probably CHIONG* to him n talk a lot(MassCom students), that's y I think I shud train myself to b more....daring in this kinda things...
*该丢脸的时候不丢,不该丢脸的时候却。。。。*'DIU-lian' here actually refers to -having the courage to be a bit more 放得开...haha=D
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