she deserved to ve her frens celebrating it with her cos...
she's been putting so much effort in organising her fren's celebration in the past(including mine)
my first surprise bday party in my life is given by her n frens from F4A('05)
HAHAs....jus couldnt forget dat particular memorable day of mine~
buh, ther r some photos taken on dat day....
ve a LOOK~
Well, this is taken on my bday, nvr seen yanyee's expression like dis?
SEE how these ppl bullied me? I was so happy on dat day but the rest r not as they ve exams on the nex day( dats y I was so touched, they still celebrated it with me)
This is taken in Pizza Hut, Yanyee's a luckier than me, as everyone is so damn free on her bday, however, wana praise me myself n ewen for "sacrificing" our time( we ve test on the nex day), WORTh-ed it anyway, to organise a celebration for a good friend.
TA DAM....
Sing a bday song to the world's most handsome n kindest sultan!!!!!!
i think the students ve to wake up early in the morning n go wave flags at the city..
miss those times~.~

I miss the question asked by His Majesty so so much,
for more than 3 times
Sultan: What school are you from?
Peiyi: Your Majesty, I am from Chung Hwa Middle School, B.S.B
Sultan: Good performance...
yeah, dats it~
I have been expecting His Majesty to ask other questions~(other than that same question for like three years)
but then. I don think I ve any more chances to ve a conversation with him anymore..
ANyways, HAPPY 61th Birthday to our beloved sultan again!!!
was thinkin to send a bday card to His Majesty, but din noe the address of the istana...(lame~)
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< style="font-size:130%;">HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our sweetest lecturer-Puan Noor too!
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< And, last but not least,HAPPY BELATED BDAY to TCher KAREN~the tcher who is loved by everyone~

(lousy conclusion..)
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