一个大约40+50+ 的一个顾客走进店里...
“呃,你是唱马来歌的那个吗?难怪酱像啦, 我那天在电视看到你, 唱得不错叻...”
“在电视看比较大只, 真人比较好看哦。” (转身问身边的人)“真的ho?比较瘦,比较美...”
HAIZ, 赢了咯!(2009 asq language)
说真的,心里没有暗爽是假的...比较瘦,again? 瘦?! 真的吗?wakakakkaa
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
嘴巴贱 说话毒 小心眼 不顾人感受
想念我了 =S
太辛苦 =(
嘴巴贱 说话毒 小心眼 不顾人感受
想念我了 =S
太辛苦 =(
comments pls?
For those who watched ASQ Preliminary rounds on Channel 311,
(or maybe a while later, the videos will be uploaded in Youtube)
I would like to see comments from you guys for my performance for Prelim 1, Prelim 2, Prelim 3 (which is gona be shown tonight), and Revival Match which is to be shown two weeks later.
U guys can drop comments here: SPY's group in fb, or discussion board
Due to the lack of experiences in singing competitions, I'm told to listen to more comments (goods or bads) in order to make improvements. I can accept criticisms cos I ve ord briefly know what are my weaknesses, it's pretty obvious though. HAHA=)
It's really alright to just tell whatever you wana say, I'm ready for any comments/ opinions from y'al. And if you prefer to stay anonymous, u can, no prob for that.
So, Please spread the words and I will greatly appreciate it if you guys could help me with this=)
(or maybe a while later, the videos will be uploaded in Youtube)
I would like to see comments from you guys for my performance for Prelim 1, Prelim 2, Prelim 3 (which is gona be shown tonight), and Revival Match which is to be shown two weeks later.
U guys can drop comments here: SPY's group in fb, or discussion board
Due to the lack of experiences in singing competitions, I'm told to listen to more comments (goods or bads) in order to make improvements. I can accept criticisms cos I ve ord briefly know what are my weaknesses, it's pretty obvious though. HAHA=)
It's really alright to just tell whatever you wana say, I'm ready for any comments/ opinions from y'al. And if you prefer to stay anonymous, u can, no prob for that.
So, Please spread the words and I will greatly appreciate it if you guys could help me with this=)
Friday, May 29, 2009
At work
Yesterday was the best day of all,
wanyen came n accompanied me,
guess her 'cuteness' brought customers in,
there were more sales than usual, a lot more.
And two of us earned around 800 dat afternun, first time mann!
So it does make a difference when you really kehpoh more to the customers, IF they do respond.
Some are really no-limau, cos they just ignore you when u said 'Hi', or talk to them. M D.
So once again, I'm rotting, not so many customers until now,
sold off two items though, more to come!
Gona leave at around 4+, going studio again tonight.
Watched semi-final one on wed nite,
it's still the same old show as usual.
It actually aches a bit to sit down the stage and watch them singing on stage,
cos inside the heart, I know there's no more chance to stand on that stage and sing again,
it's over.
Looking at their new hairstyles and clothes chosen by stylist,
it's really hmm... I WANT IT TOO! but haiz. Who to blame. blame myself for not being good enough. haizzzzz.
Just that sudden thought in my mind, when looking at them.
Gona go watch tonight agen,
MUACKS. jia you.
wanyen came n accompanied me,
guess her 'cuteness' brought customers in,
there were more sales than usual, a lot more.
And two of us earned around 800 dat afternun, first time mann!
So it does make a difference when you really kehpoh more to the customers, IF they do respond.
Some are really no-limau, cos they just ignore you when u said 'Hi', or talk to them. M D.
So once again, I'm rotting, not so many customers until now,
sold off two items though, more to come!
Gona leave at around 4+, going studio again tonight.
Watched semi-final one on wed nite,
it's still the same old show as usual.
It actually aches a bit to sit down the stage and watch them singing on stage,
cos inside the heart, I know there's no more chance to stand on that stage and sing again,
it's over.
Looking at their new hairstyles and clothes chosen by stylist,
it's really hmm... I WANT IT TOO! but haiz. Who to blame. blame myself for not being good enough. haizzzzz.
Just that sudden thought in my mind, when looking at them.
Gona go watch tonight agen,
MUACKS. jia you.
Monday, May 25, 2009
20th bday

And yeah, I'm finally joining the '2' group, OLDDD.
It's a big change in number, i mean, '1'9 n '2'0 differ, quite obviously.
Celebrated in Ole ole Bali, Sunway.
can't really go too far due to transport prob,
actually we have a lot of choices here in Sunway, we are jus being picky. hahs=)
Btw, the food is nice! i'm goin bk n try other food agen soon!
Thanks for coming people!
Bday celebration had never been something I cared of,
I won't bother doing it,
until I meet all these bitches, den I know it's actually something important, or meaningful to do.
Wanyen said, birthday without birthday cakes isn't counted as 'birthday'. hahs
ewen yanyee szeyee are also those who never failed to celebrate bdays for their friends,
since secondary skuls
and I learned to be a LITTLE more 有心 on this kinda things becos of these sampat frens i ve met.
Thanks so much guys! appreciate everything you all have done for me.
MUACKSSSS muahahaha.
And thanks so much for the thick choco cream on my face my dear wanyen=_=
ex bf jeffrey, yanyee, szeyee, ewen, i LOVE the flowers! biggest bouquet man! haha, different colours lagi. just feeling unique getting the flowers from u al.
wanyen thanks for attempting to give me a surprise, BOHOO.
vincent chen hoe jeffrey, busy ppl, but still attended the celebration,
hoang n weihong, thanks for providing your place after dinner=)
wendy voon diana , thanks for coming n thanks for the gift! I have more make up on my face now. BOHOO haha
wanyen, sijia, housemates yohh, always busy planning how to celebrate my bday huh. esp d fatter one, xin ku ni le. WOHOO FATTER ONE. Let's go on diet! we r saying this all d time n never succeed in it forever haiz.
yiqian, i ll forgive u for not coming this time, one time oni. HAHA
lihua n weijin, thanks for droppin by!
Chuchu, Pinky, Ben and ASQTop 10, thanks for the gift and the bday song!
HAIZ, brand-conscious liao lor.
Pampered me too much ah. haha=)
Still, thanks i LOVE it!
and everyone in facebook, msn/ those loves who had sent me sms,
I have three big wishes for this yr.
One of them is there'll b less bias in this world.
if not, den very xin ku.
Hope I can stop being childish and thinks more maturely,
I can't help it but yeah, I'm still childish, most of the time,
and I still haven't find a goal in my life,
what exactly do I want,
I'm quite lost, for the age of 20.
Should start to find my way out of this.
(Saying 'jia you' to myself.)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Make up
Without make up, I refuse to step out from the door.
(Of course, there r exceptions)
Wanyen just praised me for having enough courage to appear on screen without make up (for one of the videos during Astro SQ) HAHA=)
Just to remind any girls out there, DO NOT START cos u WILL NOT STOP.
I rely a lot on make up, purely for confidence I guess,
I mean, it really makes a difference, if you do it properly.
I was just gona compliment Bobbi Brown's eyeliner,

Thanks Isaac's sis for getting it for me,
It's the best eyeliner I've ever used, cos it smudges the least and is very lasting.
However, I'm hoping I can find pencil eyeliner which can last as long as this,
Gel eyeliners are still less convenient than pencil eyeliners.
I'm just bored again.
I'm living a meaningless life now.
I gotta find way out of it.
(Of course, there r exceptions)
Wanyen just praised me for having enough courage to appear on screen without make up (for one of the videos during Astro SQ) HAHA=)
Just to remind any girls out there, DO NOT START cos u WILL NOT STOP.
I rely a lot on make up, purely for confidence I guess,
I mean, it really makes a difference, if you do it properly.
I was just gona compliment Bobbi Brown's eyeliner,

Thanks Isaac's sis for getting it for me,
It's the best eyeliner I've ever used, cos it smudges the least and is very lasting.
However, I'm hoping I can find pencil eyeliner which can last as long as this,
Gel eyeliners are still less convenient than pencil eyeliners.
I'm just bored again.
I'm living a meaningless life now.
I gotta find way out of it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
利益 是罪魁祸首
张着翅膀的恶魔 也不会出现
那单纯的心 也不会变灰了
好失望 很心酸
接受 看开 学习
利益 是罪魁祸首
张着翅膀的恶魔 也不会出现
那单纯的心 也不会变灰了
好失望 很心酸
接受 看开 学习
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I'm jus too bored, so upload some photos just for fun. WAKAKA.
O yeah, we had Secret Recipe the other day sponsored by Astro and twenty of us came up to a bill of RM600+ COOL. Four sampats.

And our '梦游' time is the coolest time of the day. As always. =)
Purposely chose this photo cos the others' faces r covered, by their hair. WOHOO
Earlier on, this girl, happily told me she's glad that I'm out,
cos the time is just so right, when she is here, I was just out from camp for a few days n was totally free to accompany her.
Damn it rebecca, you never eat with us!
Vincent n I ordered a lot, and we ate most of the food, who's the 'tourist' now?
Meet-up with high skulmates, except for the doggie, Mocha Lee.
Okay, i actually ve a lot of thoughts in my mind right now, about everything.

byebye. no customers very sien
O yeah, we had Secret Recipe the other day sponsored by Astro and twenty of us came up to a bill of RM600+ COOL. Four sampats.

And our '梦游' time is the coolest time of the day. As always. =)
Purposely chose this photo cos the others' faces r covered, by their hair. WOHOO
cos the time is just so right, when she is here, I was just out from camp for a few days n was totally free to accompany her.
Damn it rebecca, you never eat with us!
Vincent n I ordered a lot, and we ate most of the food, who's the 'tourist' now?
byebye. no customers very sien
Monday, May 18, 2009
Roadshow in Johor

(Was asked not to post any recent photos of the other top 10 but i guess one wouldn't hurt eh? )
And it's also the last one for me n the other 9 contestants who din't manage to remain in Top ten.
It was really great gettin to gather up with the others and 'pat' together like before, we really had great time in those three days.
This is my third time steppin on Johor's land, and I still didn't get extra time to travel around this well-known 'dangerous place' where crime rate is high.
We were performing at the centre court of the mall I guess, the location where the shoppers can look down from the upper floors. And in front of the stage is MNG, weird. HAHA=)
My 'Bleeding Love' was done averagely okay. just okay, I need more time to practice on this song, I really like it so much.
And it's gona take some time to practice this song perfectly, cos challenging skills r needed for it.=)
It was the most relaxing performance I have done so far, despite lyrics were not well-memorized. HAHAS. However, I think I need to go to some plastic surgery or something to change my unnatural smile.

And jie, I bought this blazer earlier and think it really looks SHUAI, if u want it I can pass it to you when we meet agen=)
The journey took around 4 hours, and return *2.
Our 'Bus Persiaran' is still as comfortable as it used to be, missed the time when we laughed our ass off in the bus doing lame stuffs, telling lame jokes and listening to Samson singing NICE songs with his SWEET voice. WOHOO FUNNNNNN!!!!!
Compared this to what I'm doing now,
BORINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. I'm rotting in the jewelry shop.
Luckily boss orang baik.
p/s there are other nice photos to be uploaded soon, I haven got them yet.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Part-time job
(ther's no relation to the post, i jus uploaded the photo cos ther'r no other photos to be uploaded regardin mea work. HAHA)
aite. i'm workin at Sunway Pyramid's asian avenue- Simply zn, a shop selling sterling silver plated with rhodium jewelries, a shop where Wendy worked before last year end.
I went cos she told me the boss is a very nice person, and indeed he's, cos he never scolds when I do mistakes, he just said, this is a learning process... i was even more guilty haiz.
And on the second day, he asked me to open the shop by myself. gosh, luckily on my first day to open the shop, wendy went with me, for around two hours. thanks wendy.
There are still a lot of things I don't know how to settle in the shop, I guess it's cos i'm still not familiar with things, but I'm trying hard nt to make mistakes.
From the first day, I have been 'jaga-ing' the shop while checking stocks, how many items left, checking the codes, match it with the category, the description. Mata Juling ord, seriously. And it's more complicated than you ever think, cos the items are tiny small little things with small tags. seriously headache after doing it from morning until evening non-stop.
And including taxi fares and meals, I earn nothing. But at least the total amount of money spent is zero per day, and I still earn A LITTLE. nah, nvm lah, better than stayin at home (comforting myself).
Me is very GUAI already, cos I sleep kinda early, (try not to be later than one) and wake up at 9 so dat I won't be late to open the shop.
I'm still worried I can't handle everything, AHH. stressed+boring. YAWN!!!!! I WILL BRING MY LAPTOP THERE TOMORO. C how nice is my boss. lucky to meet him, but I still can't get use to working alone in a shop, having such a great responsibility. it's been long....
Friday, May 8, 2009
A chapter in my life.
Just a month ago, I have made up my mind to give it a try.
It's gona be a waste to let it go like that, I am given this opportunity to learn something different in my life, why not?
This has been something that I have really wanted to try in my life, at least once.
So there I went... Never know how will it go, don't even mention how tv show works.
So our schedule is basically, wake up in the morning, go on Samson's or Billy's car to the bus persiaran, sit in the comfortable seats for around one hour, or a lil less than that.
Then we will reach Jaya One, have lunch, den Halo Forest, attend vocal/ dance class, practise our songs for competition, dinner there/ pack some food back/ Samantha (assistant producer) would pack some food for us, den back home. After getting back home, we will be given something else to do, no free time, most of the time Samson will ask us to get files from him, or edit lyrics, or write 'han yu pin yin' for the lyrics, or do assignments like writing journals etc. Or Angie (producer) will come and sometimes talk to us or spot check. Din't really have extra time to practice the songs.
This is what we do in the bus, I mean, one of the things we did.
Listening to song while resting our tired eyes. Perhaps when we were more energetic, we laughed out loud and get scolded by Real or gets complained by Vans. As if they are never noisy.Sorry if i sounded rude, but it's true. I can see most of us nodding our heads to agree on this.
The 'lobby'. We can actually online here. But I never did cos ther wasn't really a lot of time spaced for that. Plus, we need to go to this place by car, unless we wana walk for around ten to fifteen minutes.
This is our living room. Chuchu, Pinky, Min, Vivian (later on Elva), Lizzie and I stay here.
That's one of the venue for our general meeting, almost every night. Sometimes it's not too good to give out statement in the meeting ya know, you will be dragged to hell. HAHA

This is my roommate, Chuchu. She's my closest friend in the competition. Of course there are other patpos like Pinky, Jieyu and Min who are the only two left in Top ten. We are the gossip girls and we really had fun spending time together for this whole month.
Vocal/ Dance class in the music school, Halo Forest is their responsibility.
From left to the right: Tcher Alan, Tcher Chila, Xiao Dong (dance instructor), he's gona release album soon.

Something cute to share, this is how we practiced 'wave', stick our body to the mirror and do it. HAHA

Vocal class with Tcher Alan.
Our hair stylists.
Mini concert at Sg Wang.
This is our beloved host, Jojo. Such a nice person.
Was quite surprised to know that she's graduated from Taylors/ UniSA under Masscomm degree too.

Our mini stage for mini concert. Not trying to complain, just to make sure it rhymes.

OMG! told you one of my greatest achievements is to realize I have these great friends supporting me all along! MUACKS

Cheryn, Ryan, Kah Fai n I

After First Round Competition. SIASOY AH. Please don't watch and laugh your ass off. Trust me, I did something weird during competition. Don't bother about it please.
Second round, before comp started. This is Real.

Overall, I am pretty satisfied with my performances in the competition. I know despite my nervousness, I still tried my very best to withstand it and performed my best. Especially when I thought of those friends who are there to support me, I know I just had to sing my lungs out, at least I won't feel sorry for myself and to them.
First round: I did something stupid, a stupid pose cos I was unsure if I should do it. Please understand me, pretty embarrassing though.
Second round: Performance during rehearsal was kinda satisfying, but during competition, although most of them told me I did really great, but I know that wasn't my best, I explained after performance and most of the audience laughed. Guess what's it. I ALWAYS do DIULIAN stuffs. HAIZ
Third round: I think this is my best performance in all the rounds. BUT, the marks given is =_=" Wasn't expecting that though. I tried really hard to include everything taught into the song. My vocal tcher was there, he said I did really well that day, I did remember the things he taught, but the comment given was hmmm.... nvm. Btw, I'm being eliminated after this performance which I was most satisfied with. WOOOSH. Cos in terms of 'feelings', I was quite sure that I can do better for this song. However, the judges didn't agree to it. If not mistaken, I thought the comment would be better cos I saw BaoXiaoSong clapping hands after I sang. This is enough for me already. =)
PK Round: 8 were selected for Top10, two more are to be chosen. Judges are to vote for us.
I finally performed 'sha po lang' on this stage, and got full votes! Okay, but don't be too happy for me, the requirement for this round is strictly not only on singing skills, it's on what kinda singer the current market needs. So it's kinda overall.
Amongst eleven contestants, I am one of the four who got full votes, so we went to PK round to get two chosen for Top 10 and yeah, two guys got in and it makes 7 guys and 3 girls in the Top Ten list. Elva and I were the two left.
I performed 'What's up' for PK's PK round. I am glad I finally sang one of my fav songs on stage.
It was just one step near to it, but I know I kinda expected it wouldn't be me. If it was me, I know it wouldn't be long too. You know why.
P.S I would prefer you guys to watch this PK round, it'd be shown in the fifth week, don't ask me why, just watch, and tell me what you think. THANKS PEOPLE. =)
Okay, enough of comforting myself, I should be aware that one of the reasons I wasn't able to make it further is: I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH YET.
If you ask me, will I try joining again after this year? Currently, my answer is a sure NO.
Various reasons included. yup.

Last group photo before we leave the resort. =( I miss life there with so many people.
Now, me is looking forward to our next gathering. 16th June, last activity with AStro, ASQ Top 20 Roadshow in Johor. I wana sing 'Bleeding Love', don care if I sing badly, nobody cares.
It's gona be a waste to let it go like that, I am given this opportunity to learn something different in my life, why not?
This has been something that I have really wanted to try in my life, at least once.
So there I went... Never know how will it go, don't even mention how tv show works.
So our schedule is basically, wake up in the morning, go on Samson's or Billy's car to the bus persiaran, sit in the comfortable seats for around one hour, or a lil less than that.
Then we will reach Jaya One, have lunch, den Halo Forest, attend vocal/ dance class, practise our songs for competition, dinner there/ pack some food back/ Samantha (assistant producer) would pack some food for us, den back home. After getting back home, we will be given something else to do, no free time, most of the time Samson will ask us to get files from him, or edit lyrics, or write 'han yu pin yin' for the lyrics, or do assignments like writing journals etc. Or Angie (producer) will come and sometimes talk to us or spot check. Din't really have extra time to practice the songs.
Listening to song while resting our tired eyes. Perhaps when we were more energetic, we laughed out loud and get scolded by Real or gets complained by Vans. As if they are never noisy.Sorry if i sounded rude, but it's true. I can see most of us nodding our heads to agree on this.
That's one of the venue for our general meeting, almost every night. Sometimes it's not too good to give out statement in the meeting ya know, you will be dragged to hell. HAHA
This is my roommate, Chuchu. She's my closest friend in the competition. Of course there are other patpos like Pinky, Jieyu and Min who are the only two left in Top ten. We are the gossip girls and we really had fun spending time together for this whole month.
Vocal/ Dance class in the music school, Halo Forest is their responsibility.
From left to the right: Tcher Alan, Tcher Chila, Xiao Dong (dance instructor), he's gona release album soon.

Something cute to share, this is how we practiced 'wave', stick our body to the mirror and do it. HAHA
Vocal class with Tcher Alan.
After everything is done, make up/ hair (caterpillar hair)
The camera I'm holding belongs to Astro, how I hope it's mine. I LOVE IT! It's RM1300. Damn, I din't even know, luckily it's still in a good condition after following me for one month.
The camera I'm holding belongs to Astro, how I hope it's mine. I LOVE IT! It's RM1300. Damn, I din't even know, luckily it's still in a good condition after following me for one month.
Was quite surprised to know that she's graduated from Taylors/ UniSA under Masscomm degree too.
Our mini stage for mini concert. Not trying to complain, just to make sure it rhymes.
OMG! told you one of my greatest achievements is to realize I have these great friends supporting me all along! MUACKS
Felt extremely great to stand on this stage. Have been watching on TV only, never thought I'd ve this chance to stand and sing and SIASOY myself on tv. AWWW...
The stage this year's pretty well -designed, in my opinion cos I personally love it to bits when I first saw it, especially the globe. it rotates , and ther's some weird noises when it rotates, I was guessing the 'roda' is not smooth enuf.
Most of us, not all. before going in the studio.
The stage this year's pretty well -designed, in my opinion cos I personally love it to bits when I first saw it, especially the globe. it rotates , and ther's some weird noises when it rotates, I was guessing the 'roda' is not smooth enuf.
After First Round Competition. SIASOY AH. Please don't watch and laugh your ass off. Trust me, I did something weird during competition. Don't bother about it please.
Overall, I am pretty satisfied with my performances in the competition. I know despite my nervousness, I still tried my very best to withstand it and performed my best. Especially when I thought of those friends who are there to support me, I know I just had to sing my lungs out, at least I won't feel sorry for myself and to them.
First round: I did something stupid, a stupid pose cos I was unsure if I should do it. Please understand me, pretty embarrassing though.
Second round: Performance during rehearsal was kinda satisfying, but during competition, although most of them told me I did really great, but I know that wasn't my best, I explained after performance and most of the audience laughed. Guess what's it. I ALWAYS do DIULIAN stuffs. HAIZ
Third round: I think this is my best performance in all the rounds. BUT, the marks given is =_=" Wasn't expecting that though. I tried really hard to include everything taught into the song. My vocal tcher was there, he said I did really well that day, I did remember the things he taught, but the comment given was hmmm.... nvm. Btw, I'm being eliminated after this performance which I was most satisfied with. WOOOSH. Cos in terms of 'feelings', I was quite sure that I can do better for this song. However, the judges didn't agree to it. If not mistaken, I thought the comment would be better cos I saw BaoXiaoSong clapping hands after I sang. This is enough for me already. =)
PK Round: 8 were selected for Top10, two more are to be chosen. Judges are to vote for us.
I finally performed 'sha po lang' on this stage, and got full votes! Okay, but don't be too happy for me, the requirement for this round is strictly not only on singing skills, it's on what kinda singer the current market needs. So it's kinda overall.
Amongst eleven contestants, I am one of the four who got full votes, so we went to PK round to get two chosen for Top 10 and yeah, two guys got in and it makes 7 guys and 3 girls in the Top Ten list. Elva and I were the two left.
I performed 'What's up' for PK's PK round. I am glad I finally sang one of my fav songs on stage.
It was just one step near to it, but I know I kinda expected it wouldn't be me. If it was me, I know it wouldn't be long too. You know why.
P.S I would prefer you guys to watch this PK round, it'd be shown in the fifth week, don't ask me why, just watch, and tell me what you think. THANKS PEOPLE. =)
Okay, enough of comforting myself, I should be aware that one of the reasons I wasn't able to make it further is: I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH YET.
If you ask me, will I try joining again after this year? Currently, my answer is a sure NO.
Various reasons included. yup.
No spicy food, no fried food, no rice...
After Round three, actually after PK round, I have been eating a lot until today. Let me die. I don wana gain weight anymore.
Oh yeah, fyi, I lose 4kg during the camp, but now I gues I have gained 2kg back. DAMN.
But I think I can lose it back again,
my way to lose weight is just : ban rice, eat very little for dinner, dat's it.
I hope I can use the same way to lose more kgs lah.
Okay, maybe not. Too much temptations=(
This girl very sampat, have been meeting her three times since we were out of camp.
Cos she's very kehpoh n honestly, really nice to pass by my place and fetch and drop me everytime.
Thanks a lot 38.
No spicy food, no fried food, no rice...
After Round three, actually after PK round, I have been eating a lot until today. Let me die. I don wana gain weight anymore.
Oh yeah, fyi, I lose 4kg during the camp, but now I gues I have gained 2kg back. DAMN.
But I think I can lose it back again,
my way to lose weight is just : ban rice, eat very little for dinner, dat's it.
I hope I can use the same way to lose more kgs lah.
Okay, maybe not. Too much temptations=(
Cos she's very kehpoh n honestly, really nice to pass by my place and fetch and drop me everytime.
Thanks a lot 38.
Last group photo before we leave the resort. =( I miss life there with so many people.
Now, me is looking forward to our next gathering. 16th June, last activity with AStro, ASQ Top 20 Roadshow in Johor. I wana sing 'Bleeding Love', don care if I sing badly, nobody cares.
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