And yeah, I'm finally joining the '2' group, OLDDD.
It's a big change in number, i mean, '1'9 n '2'0 differ, quite obviously.
Celebrated in Ole ole Bali, Sunway.
can't really go too far due to transport prob,
actually we have a lot of choices here in Sunway, we are jus being picky. hahs=)
Btw, the food is nice! i'm goin bk n try other food agen soon!
Thanks for coming people!
Bday celebration had never been something I cared of,
I won't bother doing it,
until I meet all these bitches, den I know it's actually something important, or meaningful to do.
Wanyen said, birthday without birthday cakes isn't counted as 'birthday'. hahs
ewen yanyee szeyee are also those who never failed to celebrate bdays for their friends,
since secondary skuls
and I learned to be a LITTLE more 有心 on this kinda things becos of these sampat frens i ve met.
Thanks so much guys! appreciate everything you all have done for me.
MUACKSSSS muahahaha.
And thanks so much for the thick choco cream on my face my dear wanyen=_=
ex bf jeffrey, yanyee, szeyee, ewen, i LOVE the flowers! biggest bouquet man! haha, different colours lagi. just feeling unique getting the flowers from u al.
wanyen thanks for attempting to give me a surprise, BOHOO.
vincent chen hoe jeffrey, busy ppl, but still attended the celebration,
hoang n weihong, thanks for providing your place after dinner=)
wendy voon diana , thanks for coming n thanks for the gift! I have more make up on my face now. BOHOO haha
wanyen, sijia, housemates yohh, always busy planning how to celebrate my bday huh. esp d fatter one, xin ku ni le. WOHOO FATTER ONE. Let's go on diet! we r saying this all d time n never succeed in it forever haiz.
yiqian, i ll forgive u for not coming this time, one time oni. HAHA
lihua n weijin, thanks for droppin by!
Chuchu, Pinky, Ben and ASQTop 10, thanks for the gift and the bday song!
HAIZ, brand-conscious liao lor.
Pampered me too much ah. haha=)
Still, thanks i LOVE it!
and everyone in facebook, msn/ those loves who had sent me sms,
I have three big wishes for this yr.
One of them is there'll b less bias in this world.
if not, den very xin ku.
Hope I can stop being childish and thinks more maturely,
I can't help it but yeah, I'm still childish, most of the time,
and I still haven't find a goal in my life,
what exactly do I want,
I'm quite lost, for the age of 20.
Should start to find my way out of this.
(Saying 'jia you' to myself.)
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