No idea what to write here, just feel like writing something,
I always had loads of thinkings in my mind but the forgetful me just can't remember anything when I open this window and is ready to post an entry.
Got really fed up with SAM this few moments, assignments and tests r piling up like SHIT, I hate to remember those stupid Due Dates a.k.a deadlines-*yea i know I am going to be dEAD if I ever dare to not pass up my assignments.* I know the college is training us this way for our own sack, but yet, don't they know that we, the students are really suffering? Can you imagine the feeling of having so much "things=worries" to pile up in front of you, with tests and assignments due on the same day? Yea, I don't look stressed, and I don't act to be that way, cos I don't, for no reason. What I m writing here is just my inner feelings that can't be released thoroughly in my normal days. It's just a unique feeling that you can feel something is blocking your way. Obstacles, like my life just can't go smoothly without so much worries. Assignments and tests r at fault. yea...rite... I m slowly turning into a dumb"er" person, "er" as I was dumb for the past years too. =P
I really agree with what penguin told me. People with less knowledge will always be looked down by those with higher "isiS" in their brain. I can be regarded brainless for my age, turning 18 soon, I still haven't find or get the right way in socializing, get my days organized, solving my own problems,etc. God, I still have so much to learn!
It's always an eternal nightmare for me in everything I have done wrong or have not done well. People tend to say, don look back, look far in front. No, for me, it's so so so different as people always treat me so unfairly. Every time I failed in doing something, they will be so happy despite my sadness and disappointment. After all, they are just evil to keep repeating or reminding or just telling others about my wrong-doings in the past. WHATS WRONG WITH THEM?! And most importantly, I felt damn helpless cos I didn't know what to talk back. Remain silence is the best way to solve problem..? Nope, sorry you are wrong again. But yet, other than the lousiest way of solving the problem-keeping silence, I just couldn't get back my self-esteem at that heart-broken moment and fight back with any other words. SHIt me. Flashing back on my failures, especially in my results, which had been dropping like bomb n "surprised" or may had "brought happiness" to some families of my friends, I don't even know what am I going to blame myself for. For laziness, for not focusing on studies? for being day-dreaming in secondary life? for...for...for...reasons are going to be infinite.
Sometimes, or in fact most of the times, I tried to look at the bright side of a particular thing. Yea, indeed it some how works, in a way that it brings me temporary relief and understanding about "something". Like not-remembering:- what bad deeds has this person done to you in the past, how has he or she betrayed you, how has he or she hurt you, etc. Asking me if I could do that. For sure, and most probably, my answer is NO. No and no.(for my own reasons) Actually friends around me, who may not understand me thoroughly(although they are "considered" to be my so-called"good" friends) has always disappoint me when they say some points(about me) which I think is totally WRONG. cos the person she was talking about was absolutely not me. My impression for her is that I am lack of forgiveness. Maybe my smelly mouth has been betraying me, for talking nonsense and simply joking around. Some more, she said I do not treat my friends that nice( as in not good enough), well, this really hurt me loads- sometimes my family members even blamed me for giving too much attention on my friends-in which my LurvE ones do not like and advised me not to put in so much effort on friends who r "useless"- in order to not get HUrt that much at last. I refused to listen to them. At last, yea, elders or jiejieS are correct. and I m taught to listen to people's advises(ppl= those who give useful and right advices).
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
177Q- my unit
kena WARNING for the third time
shitu-having the greatest loudest voice kena bomb...
actually kena complained last time, my agent got the letter but dono y others don get it, it's a complaint letter about our unit being too noisy---LOUD music played by our music lover, Noises n screams...etc, dats y i m considered quiet in this unit..bcum a bit GU PI, owes stay in room recentli, din get rid of anything purposely, jus like the silence n coolness in my room
1st case---- yanyee's prob, about goin shoppin n her mom was mad,
she got kinda sad, n zonglin them al came in our unit n comfort her
but first time n maybe yanyee looks cute( actualli NOT, cannot praise her)
DIn kena record
she got kinda sad, n zonglin them al came in our unit n comfort her
but first time n maybe yanyee looks cute( actualli NOT, cannot praise her)
DIn kena record
2nd case---- ewen's BOY came find her...then kena again
ewen kena 1st warnin letter
3rd case---- makin too much noise at the balcony wher evyone except me, pyramid(seldom) n cindy(never) hangin around ther, haha...cos i think it's too smal n crowded, n my room is more comfortable...ehseh! haha...*NO OPPOSITE GENDER GUESTS ALLOWED*
ewen kena 1st warnin letter
shitu-having the greatest loudest voice kena bomb...
actually kena complained last time, my agent got the letter but dono y others don get it, it's a complaint letter about our unit being too noisy---LOUD music played by our music lover, Noises n screams...etc, dats y i m considered quiet in this unit..bcum a bit GU PI, owes stay in room recentli, din get rid of anything purposely, jus like the silence n coolness in my room
I tend to think deepli over small matters,
as in wat my frens said about me...
lookin at d bright side,
I can reli improve myself n bcome a better person each time
on d other way round,
it's so troublesome dat it caused me to ve too much worries...
as in wat my frens said about me...
lookin at d bright side,
I can reli improve myself n bcome a better person each time
on d other way round,
it's so troublesome dat it caused me to ve too much worries...
long time no c...haha~ tel u al d reason y.. 1. tests n assignments r in piles 2. sleepy n tired 3. lazy 4. busy readin ppl's blog 5. lazy to write oredi
ok, let me recal wat happened for the past few days try to jot down here anyway... er...
O YEAH, I wana cnue the story of my malay tcher He is actually nice lar, as in he's cute?"cute" is it a suitable word to dscribe him? NOT SURE..he s jus adorable..haha~ n i shudnt ve been XIN SHANGing his hairstyle so much since earlier, in fact, i shud treat him better as he is reli suffering more dan others, as he has some kinda prob wif his legs n ve to use "sumtin"*dono wat s it called* -sumtin to aid him in walking, so starting from last lesson, I tried to stay bk til he s ready to go, as I reli felt guilty if i let him open the door by himself, as it takes a longer time n troublesome for him to do dat...
N last wed was ewen's bday, so jealous of her to ve US as her frens...( sorry for "vain"ing here) reali BA....she got converse shoes, bodyshop perfume, n a nice gold belt... Actually Belinda reli has the "heart" for her, she secretli jotted down al the things yiwen wanted to buy in a list, n yea, I m helpful in selecting the shoes, but yet those i chose werent available( size not NGAM la) at last, finally, akhirnya..haha..
jus came bk from Intercollege Dance competition organised by my college, it was kinda good... as in the spotlights, sound system...WOHOooohHHH! reaLI MADE U HighhhhhhHHH! haa...however, as i was having sore eye, kinda spoil my mood a lil.. Bel performed, CCY performed...*ppl who r interested in watching, ask frm me when i get back to bru* cant give any comments here, not convenient la..~hahahahha!!!
then we stayed in AC til 3am, chattin la..wif slam dunk-whom i found is a reli nice guy, ACtually.
I DON understand y love is such a complicated brings happiness n oso sadness.. esp when ppl s heartbroken, or havin prob over love matters, I felt so sorry as I don reli ve any comments in helpin them.. SORRY BA!! NOT MUCH xperiences MA..SORRY LOR! haha
cant go wanyen's place this wk, so sad... nex wk plan liao...go KKKKKKKK..yeah!
quite happy recentli, got more frens to hang around n tok to wanyen's frens...yan yee's classmates who r reli fun to b wif oso..n oso my own very original frens from clubs, classes...yea, i guess dats about it...haha!!
long time no c...haha~ tel u al d reason y.. 1. tests n assignments r in piles 2. sleepy n tired 3. lazy 4. busy readin ppl's blog 5. lazy to write oredi
ok, let me recal wat happened for the past few days try to jot down here anyway... er...
O YEAH, I wana cnue the story of my malay tcher He is actually nice lar, as in he's cute?"cute" is it a suitable word to dscribe him? NOT SURE..he s jus adorable..haha~ n i shudnt ve been XIN SHANGing his hairstyle so much since earlier, in fact, i shud treat him better as he is reli suffering more dan others, as he has some kinda prob wif his legs n ve to use "sumtin"*dono wat s it called* -sumtin to aid him in walking, so starting from last lesson, I tried to stay bk til he s ready to go, as I reli felt guilty if i let him open the door by himself, as it takes a longer time n troublesome for him to do dat...
N last wed was ewen's bday, so jealous of her to ve US as her frens...( sorry for "vain"ing here) reali BA....she got converse shoes, bodyshop perfume, n a nice gold belt... Actually Belinda reli has the "heart" for her, she secretli jotted down al the things yiwen wanted to buy in a list, n yea, I m helpful in selecting the shoes, but yet those i chose werent available( size not NGAM la) at last, finally, akhirnya..haha..
jus came bk from Intercollege Dance competition organised by my college, it was kinda good... as in the spotlights, sound system...WOHOooohHHH! reaLI MADE U HighhhhhhHHH! haa...however, as i was having sore eye, kinda spoil my mood a lil.. Bel performed, CCY performed...*ppl who r interested in watching, ask frm me when i get back to bru* cant give any comments here, not convenient la..~hahahahha!!!
then we stayed in AC til 3am, chattin la..wif slam dunk-whom i found is a reli nice guy, ACtually.
I DON understand y love is such a complicated brings happiness n oso sadness.. esp when ppl s heartbroken, or havin prob over love matters, I felt so sorry as I don reli ve any comments in helpin them.. SORRY BA!! NOT MUCH xperiences MA..SORRY LOR! haha
cant go wanyen's place this wk, so sad... nex wk plan liao...go KKKKKKKK..yeah!
quite happy recentli, got more frens to hang around n tok to wanyen's frens...yan yee's classmates who r reli fun to b wif oso..n oso my own very original frens from clubs, classes...yea, i guess dats about it...haha!!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
THe Monkey
SORT day
HALO!! din put my photos to shock u al purposely, sorrY!! hhaa..lazy to drag them down put up here lor.

Don think I can maintain to post new entry everyday for now, tests r coming nex week, n after al the tests and quiz, it's mid yr exam, I m not a bit satisfied wif my results since i got my first test paper, therefore, simpeiyi shud work harder isnt? ai zz...
most of my frens gav compliments 4 my bloggie, but some said ITS ROJAK..haaha, i admit, it's...but as jia xian said, oni ROjak language is more understandable bua..haha!! nvm, AS I Like it la..
I noe i m getting lazier for updating my blog...this is my style...SAN FEN ZHONG RE DU, suddenly realised I m starting to forget HOW TO WRITE CHINESE!!! NO!!!!! I ve been studying chinese for 14 yrs, how could i forget about it? I LOVE CHINESE!! oleh kerana itu, I decided to write some chinese blogs "in the future"----meaning i m not sure when i ll do dat..
N oso, I feel a lot better these few moments as d awkwardly quiet me has gone back to the SPY in Brunei--- getting LOUD n crazy again lately... Maybe I found somethin else to talk wif ppl le bua... esp Bel, felt better... N oso ewen she owez PEI HE me for wateva i do...hahaa=P
INtroduce our beloVED MALAY tcher to u al..dono his name..
GREAT HAIRSTYLE RITE??!!=) =) =) =) =)

老 师讲他的,我们拍我们的, reali feel so good la...OLD classmates bcome classmates again(me, yanyee, ewen, yiqian, zonglin, chiew ying, desmond...n Chiew Rui oso)*don b jealous orhh!!*
欣赏 this gal, i mentioned about her b4, she s peihwa, good in hip hop dance, n a very nice person too..oso 不顾形象one..but i m not dat close to her la..jus noe her nia, she noes me n i noe her..dats all..haha=P
Look at the guy wif golden hair, he looks a bit like monkey rite?! he's reli 爱演...even more aiyan than anyone i ve seen..CAN U IMAGINE DAT? haha, he s from Miri, St Joseph, he has been "working" as the clown of psychology class, anyways, he did lighten up the atmosphere successfully each n evytime..haha...=P( c he's duin stupid things again...HAizz)

nice background n nice models rite? haha esp pei hwa..slim n tall..*envious* --again..
REalised ther is a ladybird in our room....cant take a clearer photo..sorry~
Today honey chicken croissant no stock chicken floss egg mayo lor, stil worth it, sOOOOOOOOOO many chicken floss, wondering how they earn money by sellin this la, oni RM2.90 er...
This is the lion keychain stolen from my sis..
hahaha!!! me n bel ran in the rain wif plastic bags we got from OLD town Kopitiam's staffs...SO DIU LIAN!!!! two blueIE SOT gals running over the road when it was raining cats n dogs...HAiz...

"aiyo, so romantic arh, switch off the light, i wana use al the yellow lights from the study lamp" haha!!!!! then someone put her monkey KAPO under the lamp..then kena BURNT on the monkey's heaD!!!!!! WAkakahahahhaHAHAHAH!!!!! SO FUNNY!!!!!! 笨就是笨,+ she kept hiding her monkey...DON WANA LET ME C!!?? hurhh!! I LET EVYONE C NOW..*报复心好重*hahahaha
Don think I can maintain to post new entry everyday for now, tests r coming nex week, n after al the tests and quiz, it's mid yr exam, I m not a bit satisfied wif my results since i got my first test paper, therefore, simpeiyi shud work harder isnt? ai zz...
most of my frens gav compliments 4 my bloggie, but some said ITS ROJAK..haaha, i admit, it's...but as jia xian said, oni ROjak language is more understandable bua..haha!! nvm, AS I Like it la..
I noe i m getting lazier for updating my blog...this is my style...SAN FEN ZHONG RE DU, suddenly realised I m starting to forget HOW TO WRITE CHINESE!!! NO!!!!! I ve been studying chinese for 14 yrs, how could i forget about it? I LOVE CHINESE!! oleh kerana itu, I decided to write some chinese blogs "in the future"----meaning i m not sure when i ll do dat..
N oso, I feel a lot better these few moments as d awkwardly quiet me has gone back to the SPY in Brunei--- getting LOUD n crazy again lately... Maybe I found somethin else to talk wif ppl le bua... esp Bel, felt better... N oso ewen she owez PEI HE me for wateva i do...hahaa=P
INtroduce our beloVED MALAY tcher to u al..dono his name..
GREAT HAIRSTYLE RITE??!!=) =) =) =) =)
欣赏 this gal, i mentioned about her b4, she s peihwa, good in hip hop dance, n a very nice person too..oso 不顾形象one..but i m not dat close to her la..jus noe her nia, she noes me n i noe her..dats all..haha=P
nice background n nice models rite? haha esp pei hwa..slim n tall..*envious* --again..
"aiyo, so romantic arh, switch off the light, i wana use al the yellow lights from the study lamp" haha!!!!! then someone put her monkey KAPO under the lamp..then kena BURNT on the monkey's heaD!!!!!! WAkakahahahhaHAHAHAH!!!!! SO FUNNY!!!!!! 笨就是笨,+ she kept hiding her monkey...DON WANA LET ME C!!?? hurhh!! I LET EVYONE C NOW..*报复心好重*hahahaha
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
SKUL life
It rained sien, I have to run al the way back home, wif half of my pants soaked, SH*t, haha, but today psychology class is canceled again!! =P SUANG le..
anyways, me bel n ewen r now competing on writing blogs, n me n my stupid sis-simchyimei is competin in uploading photos, as she said she has got more photos than I do..HERHH
ER...This is how my "college"*CEh~* looks like...

k, now, lets c the SHARP FRINGEd FAMILY( copyright from Bel)

*i noe i look scary, purposeli to SCARE U AL!!! hahaHahHHAHAH!!!!*
THEN-------c our MR TOW, honour'ly "invited" by MISS MARY NG to have an interview by their group-Doin LAN project...haha, about religion, needless to say--about Buddhism..

my housemates "keepin fit"-I m not involved(always), therefore I m the "slimmest skeleton" at home
PHWEIIIT!!!!!!!!SKirts, everytime they walk down the stairs, GUESS, WAT COLOR??!! haha..
cant imagine how these ppl ll take revenge on me when i wear one nex time...KIA KIAorhh!

My classmate, joslyn- so like a good n nice sista rite, haha! she was kena kacauED by us for the whole day jus bcos she wore a mini skirt to skul..WU LIAO orh us..=P

These are the two KEPOs kepoing nearby staircase after skul..(while i was waiting for my "psycho"(short form for psychology) tcher to "arrive"

Our Class "Rap"=Rep=Representative-He is SUper-intelligent, he speaks realy ANg-Mo slang english n has a very "quick" scorer in my class in almost every subject...

Belinda, U AGAIN!!!!??? haha, my readers r gettin bored seeing ur A PO face, SHE IS MOLESTING my LIL CUTIE TIGEr( I wana throw my tiger away liao!!) SHE DINT PICK HER NOSE SHIT ONE!!..given by cheaxin a few yrs ago, nvr really used it

N in the middle of math lesson, she treated us chocolate stick, but she s really bad la, she said, NAH, eat these, not nice one..!!( a bit like sheeling~) then we r like..huh, not nice baru giv us eat la??!! she said al masuk angin liao one, then I got the NOT-masuk angin one, I bit......ER<> then she snatched it away, reLLI er, it's not loufeng...haha
C THEIR xpression, she got the masuk angin one..hahaa, unlucky.

AND LAST but not least, MY EXPRESSION--AN SHUANG=暗爽....hahah..The probability to get one wifout masuk angin chocolate stick is one to two, three over six, ewen said i wasted my luck on this...ceh! wher got, I m stil gona b this lucky FOREVER!! hOHOOHOHOO!!

anyways, me bel n ewen r now competing on writing blogs, n me n my stupid sis-simchyimei is competin in uploading photos, as she said she has got more photos than I do..HERHH
ER...This is how my "college"*CEh~* looks like...
*i noe i look scary, purposeli to SCARE U AL!!! hahaHahHHAHAH!!!!*
THEN-------c our MR TOW, honour'ly "invited" by MISS MARY NG to have an interview by their group-Doin LAN project...haha, about religion, needless to say--about Buddhism..
my housemates "keepin fit"-I m not involved(always), therefore I m the "slimmest skeleton" at home
cant imagine how these ppl ll take revenge on me when i wear one nex time...KIA KIAorhh!
These are the two KEPOs kepoing nearby staircase after skul..(while i was waiting for my "psycho"(short form for psychology) tcher to "arrive"
Our Class "Rap"=Rep=Representative-He is SUper-intelligent, he speaks realy ANg-Mo slang english n has a very "quick" scorer in my class in almost every subject...
Belinda, U AGAIN!!!!??? haha, my readers r gettin bored seeing ur A PO face, SHE IS MOLESTING my LIL CUTIE TIGEr( I wana throw my tiger away liao!!) SHE DINT PICK HER NOSE SHIT ONE!!..given by cheaxin a few yrs ago, nvr really used it
N in the middle of math lesson, she treated us chocolate stick, but she s really bad la, she said, NAH, eat these, not nice one..!!( a bit like sheeling~) then we r like..huh, not nice baru giv us eat la??!! she said al masuk angin liao one, then I got the NOT-masuk angin one, I bit......ER<> then she snatched it away, reLLI er, it's not loufeng...haha
C THEIR xpression, she got the masuk angin one..hahaa, unlucky.
AND LAST but not least, MY EXPRESSION--AN SHUANG=暗爽....hahah..The probability to get one wifout masuk angin chocolate stick is one to two, three over six, ewen said i wasted my luck on this...ceh! wher got, I m stil gona b this lucky FOREVER!! hOHOOHOHOO!!
Monday, April 9, 2007
chen zhi guang
Anyone of u stil remember the music tcher?? chen zhi guang? suddenly feel dat this world is damn small, I SAW HIM IN A DVD!!! a performance in XX skul of johor bahru, COOl~ haha....he got a bit fat n his face get broader...dats al, no big change...
jus feel a bit weird for "finding" him in a dvd..?
Sunday, April 8, 2007
photos taken recently~~

Sunway Pyramid-on the evening when there was concert in sunway lagoon surf beach on the nite..many ppl hurh..!!! so zo Ding~ traffic la

Felix D CAT-Kent's housemate, we ve same interest, esp in singing n performance...He s fun to be wif..=P

specially prepared by Belinda Chong Ser Chi-d pretty but DIU lian gal

saw this in taxi--seems interesting~

morning ridzuan condo, not yet go bed bua--nice hor?
zhuo jian zai chuang

makan di wai sat gai..selera SS2
ewen(pretendin to sleep in class, actually she DID, but din "manage" to fall asleep)
My classmate+psy classmate-Eric...c his ugly look!! *p.s eric don b mad of me when u c tis, jus to "entertain" my readers ba~*

recentli taken photo~ chyi, c i m d prettiest, not u!!!! Bleh!Z!!Z!!!
Felix D CAT-Kent's housemate, we ve same interest, esp in singing n performance...He s fun to be wif..=P
specially prepared by Belinda Chong Ser Chi-d pretty but DIU lian gal
saw this in taxi--seems interesting~
morning ridzuan condo, not yet go bed bua--nice hor?
makan di wai sat gai..selera SS2
recentli taken photo~ chyi, c i m d prettiest, not u!!!! Bleh!Z!!Z!!!
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