Don think I can maintain to post new entry everyday for now, tests r coming nex week, n after al the tests and quiz, it's mid yr exam, I m not a bit satisfied wif my results since i got my first test paper, therefore, simpeiyi shud work harder isnt? ai zz...
most of my frens gav compliments 4 my bloggie, but some said ITS ROJAK..haaha, i admit, it's...but as jia xian said, oni ROjak language is more understandable bua..haha!! nvm, AS I Like it la..
I noe i m getting lazier for updating my blog...this is my style...SAN FEN ZHONG RE DU, suddenly realised I m starting to forget HOW TO WRITE CHINESE!!! NO!!!!! I ve been studying chinese for 14 yrs, how could i forget about it? I LOVE CHINESE!! oleh kerana itu, I decided to write some chinese blogs "in the future"----meaning i m not sure when i ll do dat..
N oso, I feel a lot better these few moments as d awkwardly quiet me has gone back to the SPY in Brunei--- getting LOUD n crazy again lately... Maybe I found somethin else to talk wif ppl le bua... esp Bel, felt better... N oso ewen she owez PEI HE me for wateva i do...hahaa=P
INtroduce our beloVED MALAY tcher to u al..dono his name..
GREAT HAIRSTYLE RITE??!!=) =) =) =) =)
欣赏 this gal, i mentioned about her b4, she s peihwa, good in hip hop dance, n a very nice person too..oso 不顾形象one..but i m not dat close to her la..jus noe her nia, she noes me n i noe her..dats all..haha=P
nice background n nice models rite? haha esp pei hwa..slim n tall..*envious* --again..
"aiyo, so romantic arh, switch off the light, i wana use al the yellow lights from the study lamp" haha!!!!! then someone put her monkey KAPO under the lamp..then kena BURNT on the monkey's heaD!!!!!! WAkakahahahhaHAHAHAH!!!!! SO FUNNY!!!!!! 笨就是笨,+ she kept hiding her monkey...DON WANA LET ME C!!?? hurhh!! I LET EVYONE C NOW..*报复心好重*hahahaha
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