It rained sien, I have to run al the way back home, wif half of my pants soaked, SH*t, haha, but today psychology class is canceled again!! =P SUANG le..
anyways, me bel n ewen r now competing on writing blogs, n me n my stupid sis-simchyimei is competin in uploading photos, as she said she has got more photos than I do..HERHH
ER...This is how my "college"*CEh~* looks like...

k, now, lets c the SHARP FRINGEd FAMILY( copyright from Bel)

*i noe i look scary, purposeli to SCARE U AL!!! hahaHahHHAHAH!!!!*
THEN-------c our MR TOW, honour'ly "invited" by MISS MARY NG to have an interview by their group-Doin LAN project...haha, about religion, needless to say--about Buddhism..

my housemates "keepin fit"-I m not involved(always), therefore I m the "slimmest skeleton" at home
PHWEIIIT!!!!!!!!SKirts, everytime they walk down the stairs, GUESS, WAT COLOR??!! haha..
cant imagine how these ppl ll take revenge on me when i wear one nex time...KIA KIAorhh!

My classmate, joslyn- so like a good n nice sista rite, haha! she was kena kacauED by us for the whole day jus bcos she wore a mini skirt to skul..WU LIAO orh us..=P

These are the two KEPOs kepoing nearby staircase after skul..(while i was waiting for my "psycho"(short form for psychology) tcher to "arrive"

Our Class "Rap"=Rep=Representative-He is SUper-intelligent, he speaks realy ANg-Mo slang english n has a very "quick" scorer in my class in almost every subject...

Belinda, U AGAIN!!!!??? haha, my readers r gettin bored seeing ur A PO face, SHE IS MOLESTING my LIL CUTIE TIGEr( I wana throw my tiger away liao!!) SHE DINT PICK HER NOSE SHIT ONE!!..given by cheaxin a few yrs ago, nvr really used it

N in the middle of math lesson, she treated us chocolate stick, but she s really bad la, she said, NAH, eat these, not nice one..!!( a bit like sheeling~) then we r like..huh, not nice baru giv us eat la??!! she said al masuk angin liao one, then I got the NOT-masuk angin one, I bit......ER<> then she snatched it away, reLLI er, it's not loufeng...haha
C THEIR xpression, she got the masuk angin one..hahaa, unlucky.

AND LAST but not least, MY EXPRESSION--AN SHUANG=暗爽....hahah..The probability to get one wifout masuk angin chocolate stick is one to two, three over six, ewen said i wasted my luck on this...ceh! wher got, I m stil gona b this lucky FOREVER!! hOHOOHOHOO!!

anyways, me bel n ewen r now competing on writing blogs, n me n my stupid sis-simchyimei is competin in uploading photos, as she said she has got more photos than I do..HERHH
ER...This is how my "college"*CEh~* looks like...
*i noe i look scary, purposeli to SCARE U AL!!! hahaHahHHAHAH!!!!*
THEN-------c our MR TOW, honour'ly "invited" by MISS MARY NG to have an interview by their group-Doin LAN project...haha, about religion, needless to say--about Buddhism..
my housemates "keepin fit"-I m not involved(always), therefore I m the "slimmest skeleton" at home
cant imagine how these ppl ll take revenge on me when i wear one nex time...KIA KIAorhh!
These are the two KEPOs kepoing nearby staircase after skul..(while i was waiting for my "psycho"(short form for psychology) tcher to "arrive"
Our Class "Rap"=Rep=Representative-He is SUper-intelligent, he speaks realy ANg-Mo slang english n has a very "quick" scorer in my class in almost every subject...
Belinda, U AGAIN!!!!??? haha, my readers r gettin bored seeing ur A PO face, SHE IS MOLESTING my LIL CUTIE TIGEr( I wana throw my tiger away liao!!) SHE DINT PICK HER NOSE SHIT ONE!!..given by cheaxin a few yrs ago, nvr really used it
N in the middle of math lesson, she treated us chocolate stick, but she s really bad la, she said, NAH, eat these, not nice one..!!( a bit like sheeling~) then we r like..huh, not nice baru giv us eat la??!! she said al masuk angin liao one, then I got the NOT-masuk angin one, I bit......ER<> then she snatched it away, reLLI er, it's not loufeng...haha
C THEIR xpression, she got the masuk angin one..hahaa, unlucky.
AND LAST but not least, MY EXPRESSION--AN SHUANG=暗爽....hahah..The probability to get one wifout masuk angin chocolate stick is one to two, three over six, ewen said i wasted my luck on this...ceh! wher got, I m stil gona b this lucky FOREVER!! hOHOOHOHOO!!
I like the way each level are labeled, the SAM, A level and etc, cool. XD
ROLF @ SHARP FRINGEd FAMILY!! Saw it over yiiwen's blog just now, she didn't stated that it's called "SHARP FRINGED" tho. @_@
Doink about the skirt, @_@
Lol, everytime I watch your blog, I keep having the expression 'kek dao'... Haha, but the stuffs are very interesting la... Some of them very stupid, but thats why I like it... HAHA!!!
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