long time no c...haha~ tel u al d reason y.. 1. tests n assignments r in piles 2. sleepy n tired 3. lazy 4. busy readin ppl's blog 5. lazy to write oredi
ok, let me recal wat happened for the past few days try to jot down here anyway... er...
O YEAH, I wana cnue the story of my malay tcher He is actually nice lar, as in he's cute?"cute" is it a suitable word to dscribe him? NOT SURE..he s jus adorable..haha~ n i shudnt ve been XIN SHANGing his hairstyle so much since earlier, in fact, i shud treat him better as he is reli suffering more dan others, as he has some kinda prob wif his legs n ve to use "sumtin"*dono wat s it called* -sumtin to aid him in walking, so starting from last lesson, I tried to stay bk til he s ready to go, as I reli felt guilty if i let him open the door by himself, as it takes a longer time n troublesome for him to do dat...
N last wed was ewen's bday, so jealous of her to ve US as her frens...( sorry for "vain"ing here) reali BA....she got converse shoes, bodyshop perfume, n a nice gold belt... Actually Belinda reli has the "heart" for her, she secretli jotted down al the things yiwen wanted to buy in a list, n yea, I m helpful in selecting the shoes, but yet those i chose werent available( size not NGAM la)..so at last, finally, akhirnya..haha..
jus came bk from Intercollege Dance competition organised by my college, it was kinda good... as in the spotlights, sound system...WOHOooohHHH! reaLI MADE U HighhhhhhHHH! haa...however, as i was having sore eye, kinda spoil my mood a lil.. Bel performed, CCY performed...*ppl who r interested in watching, ask frm me when i get back to bru* cant give any comments here, not convenient la..~hahahahha!!!
then we stayed in AC til 3am, chattin la..wif slam dunk-whom i found is a reli nice guy, ACtually.
I DON understand y love is such a complicated thing..it brings happiness n oso sadness.. esp when ppl s heartbroken, or havin prob over love matters, I felt so sorry as I don reli ve any comments in helpin them.. SORRY BA!! NOT MUCH xperiences MA..SORRY LOR! haha
cant go wanyen's place this wk, so sad... nex wk la..got plan liao...go KKKKKKKK..yeah!
quite happy recentli, got more frens to hang around n tok to wanyen's frens...yan yee's classmates who r reli fun to b wif oso..n oso my own very original frens from clubs, classes...yea, i guess dats about it...haha!!
1 comment:
Great to know that life had taken a swift U-turn for you. xD All the best, xD.
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