This photo doesn't relate much to the topic of the post but w/e. haha:P
I'm not so much of a camwhore now, due to... insufficient time to use per day gah!
Can anyone tell me how time flies in the past 6 months? This is already the sixth month in Melbourne and I guess I am so much better in directions nevertheless I still get lost sometimes. You should ask my tall and shy friend, Desmond for this, really grateful for my friends' patience in leading me to places I wana go. :)
I'd say life has been really meaningful and busy in the past few months but I'm glad that I've finally found the satisfaction I've been longing for since I finished highschool.
Assignment ones are all completed, but it's really scary that I haven't been doing much readings when I realized it's already Week 7. HMM... time to catch up?
Still too much in mind, I should start gym soonish, I have a very strong will to lose some weight recently when the reality tells me that 'chubby' (in a better word) girls sometimes are being neglected more than hot babes. (It applies to... when it comes to guys). I'll try to gain more confidence by losing some weight, but yeah... noone will be putting hope on me anymore since I've never succeeded since Secondary Four. HAHA:P No matter how bad are the insults were from some ppl about my 'body size', my response will still be a smile on my face, with a slight heartbreak sound inside, after that, I'll forget about it, and the whole process repeats itself again and again, for years.
Someone tell me again, how can I stop ignoring things happening around me, and be more observant and less clumsy. SIGH.
Looking at the bright side, I've a question to ask... AM I TOO BLESSED with all the people I've met in my life/ around me?
Never had I met any evil people in my life, most of them are really nice and angelic (HAH!)
Good and supportive housemates and friends, loving family, have you ever seen your friends' expression when you achieved something and they are so happy for u and you can see it's really a true expression coming from their heart? Well, I could feel that at that moment and although I didn't say anything, I secretly chanted a prayer and hope our friendship will last.
You guys are more than enough of what I've always wanted as my good friends, you know who you are, and I'm sorry if I'm too busy with my own things and get too self- centred at times.
You know I truly appreciate you and it's just too hard to express everything out in daily life as it might be too .... 'emotional' haha:P
Seriously, I am blessed with the existence of all these lovable ppl <3> :D