Bird's eye view from the plane, this is part of Brunei,
back home. this is my driver. She insisted to help me carry the SMALLER luggage. Have you ever seen someone who will just stand beside without helpin you to carry the luggage to the car's boot? APA INI! haha

YEAPIE HOME=D (saw my long beans? got them from mom's fren HAHA, think it's a pretty cool bag, new style man!)

And here, this is the ONLY Mcd in Brunei. COOLness.

Went Snowhouse (not Snowflakes) with high skul frens.
From left to right: Me, Pawhui who's back from Melbourne, Siang, Jeff, Kuichuan and Louis.

This is Chyi with her spongebob. look-alikes.

I wanted one pic of it too!

This is d younger sis. now she regretted for welcoming us back, noise pollution in the house!

fren's bday tonite=D funfunfun
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