we've been busy 'exercising', walking from one shopping mall to another,
from Sg Wang to Ikano to The Curve to One-U, then to Mid Valley, The Gardens, KLCC,
in 3 days!
btw, although our legs might have swollen but then we enjoyed much!
It's Mega Sales in Malaysia now,
loads to see, but till now I haven't seen much satisfying ones.
Sports Wear, not much discount, Fashion Wears, gona 'korek' till I doze off. haha
All 'exercise' efforts were wasted when we sat down and started to eat a lot of yummy food after shopping for long hours.
so, I guess my 'slimming-down-plan' is not gona work out any time soon. =(
Wait till I go gym, or do sports continuously,
Wanyen voon n jia ll be accompanyin cos we all wana slim down! HAHA
Instinct tells me dat I mite not be able to succeed, dono y.
the answer is. hahahahahahaha
okay, tomoro shud be going for classes,
but then I just get to know that tutorials are not started yet,
(Thanks to Wendy for d info)
n my classes tomoro are all tutorials,
so i m gona go n make payments n stuffs.
OKAY, excited to get back to college again, cyahal soon coursemates!
(One of my guy fren said he's anticipating for new hot chics appearing in the college compound, all gals shud hope to c hot guys then HAHHA)
OOkie, anyways, these r some of the photos taken, not arranged in sequence, SO LAZY haha
WY n Jia posing in IKEA.
This sofa let me think of the wallet my sis bought for me. The color shades r similar.
1 comment:
nit looked so clean and tidy !
I should come and do spot check once in awhile ..HAHA!
What a great shopping experience you had ! And yeah..FOOD too =) INdulge indulge and indulge MORE !!!
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