Sem 2 actually ended last week. Finished two tests, did okay I assume, and now, shake legs a bit and probly can start off revision for the one and only exam ard 12 days later! :)
(For your explanation agen, it's that I have 3 exams but two of them are being scheduled earlier than the exam period, so it's called Tests, and I have done the two of em)cos people have been yelling at me ' WHY DO YOU ONLY HAVE ONE EXAMMM GAHHHH' and they attempted to bite me, so I'm giving explanation to stop ppl from lookin at me with green eyes. HEHE
HENCEEEE.... while shaking legs too freely, I FORGOT, yes i FORGOT about going to gym and started relaxing a lot! look at my weight again! sigh it increases so easily but to lose it again is so hard! GOSH!
To introduce again, these two are the pillars I have in Melbourne, like twin towers. Since they are so much taller than I'm, I can be the bridge in the middle.

And went DFO (Direct Factory Outlet) with Angeline, a lot of people said we look alike, do we?
oh btw, DFO is where you can find really cheap branded stuffs, but you gotta have the patience to flip through one by one, in detail in order to find nice stufs. ;D this, you can learn from me, i'm such a pro shopper (nothing to be proud of actually, I rather I excel more in academic stuffs HAHA:P)

Compare this to my fb profile pic taken two weeks ago. OMG. how can i gain weight soooooo fast! *biteeee

So looking at this look-alike of me, but a slimmer version, I suddenly am motivated to go gym again! THIS WEEK! I WILL WORK HARDER!
FOOD FOOD FOODDDDD I HATE YOU! (no i can't lie to myself) I LOVE FOOD, yes indeeddddd

We got ourselves something realllllllly worth it that day! Duty free shops are awesome! :DDD

Update more when I have time to calm myself more (in mind) and back to blogging mood! Till then, loves, hotbabepei