And I was the assistant tour guide for his trip, Desmond let you win this time, you are the LEADER lah. HAIZ. haha=D
However, Desmond & I were also sort of making our first visits to certain places although we have been staying in Brunei for more or less 18 years. Shameful to say, but yup, we really had never visited places like Brunei Museum, Tasek Merimbun...
Because of that, there's still excitement in this tour-guiding trip! HEHE=P
We basically covered three out of the four districts.
Brunei & Muara- tick
Tutong- tick
Temburong- tick (yay!)
Tutong- tick
Temburong- tick (yay!)
Woke up early, it is something rare to miss spy cos she seldom wakes up early, whatever she admits she's a pig. BOO!
( fyi all photos in this post are taken by Mr. Clement, credits to him)
quick!! say I AM PRETTY one hundred times! HAHAHHAH XP or else, there'll be 'opening ceremony' again even after the 'closing ceremony' (sorry peeps, it's an inside joke)
Charcoal, can't believe that's my first time there.
I am 'SUA-KU' ( lack of education & knowledge)
Those are some of my childhood friends, and it was Mei's belated birthday dinner=)
- Tutong-
Thanks Des for waiting for the pig! There we went to Tasek Merimbun, always read it from textbooks during primary and secondary, and finally we went there!
We thought it's gona be a good idea if we can organize picnics, perhaps bbq as well? at the site in the future. really peaceful and quiet with beautiful scenery. =D
After 500 years (don't get confused, it's the way of how I exaggerate how LONG have it been=P) , finally we went on a tour to Temburong District!!!!!
The mobile line went from Brunei line and to Malaysia line (since it's near to Limbang and Lawas I guess), next time can bring Msia line there, call with RM to Malaysia! haha=P
Used to walk fast across the bridge in all 'layers' ( There are 5)
And we used to get certificates when we managed to climb all layers, but now no more dy. HAIZ SO DISCOURAGING! HHEEE
We chose not to wear the life jackets since it's so troublesome to wear it and take it off after crossing the bridge. I can swim but I swear I won't save Desmond cos he always says I'm .... 'not slim'.
It rained when we were returning to our boat, at least weather was pretty fine since morning. (we departed at 8am)
Temburong trip ended around 2pm+ and after the speedboat journey (around 30-40min) we arrived at Kianggeh jetty at ard 3pm+
Worn out with SMILE=)
On the last day, we brought Clement to our 'mother-school' =)
Hope Clement enjoyed his Brunei trip, still I gotta say, there's really nothing much here in Brunei but people are just happy with what they've got here. I feel glad to be brought up here too=)
Thanks for the photos too!
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