Brunei Tour Part two with another guest has ended yesterday.
It was pretty great since I had healthier sleeping hours, wake up early =_=, I hope Mr. Teh enjoyed it too=)
However, it's actually unhealthy in terms of the amount of food intake we had. Non-stop for 7 days, can say it's impossible for me to lose some pounds when guest is here. Tried Korean Restaurant, Kiulap, think Kimchi fried rice is yummy and started to miss USJ 10's Korean Restaurant in Taipan, it's still the best. ( Well, I have only two to compare with) huhu.

Then again, tour around Brunei tourist attractions. One more round after Clement's visit. HEHE=) This time we went on the boat without 'bumbung' (Chyi taught me this, it means 'without roof' something like that, correct me if I'm wrong), like it's cheaper. And normally the price to tour around Kampong Ayer ranges from B$ 10-15. if it's 20 or more say NO THANKS.
Thanks wanyen for driving around all the places! steady liaooo. hehe

Then we celebrated Pa's birthday on the 19th January. Pa is the one who earns money for the whole family and see we are all 'fat fat white white':- (direct translation from chinese- healthy and living a good life) Pa you know we love you a lot though we don't really kehpoh too much hehe=P Stay healthy, happy forever and good business yoh! HAHHAA

Birthday dinner at... where else? Excapade. haha

Lucky to be born in this happy family. =D

My adorable cat celebrated her birthday too on the same day (it was belated), and sis bought her a Tuna bread!

Teh-C-Special available nearby my house and my mom loves it. haha, being random. But no, it's something related to the guest, since it's TEH-c-special. LAMO.

This is wanyen with the yellow bear, a lil creepy huh wanyen, it MOVES!

This is the guest, mr.teh. We had prosperity meal from Mcd, long queue. sigh. oh btw, the burger was yummylicious, but ppl who can't take spicy food are not recommended to try. huhuu

The ending part is gona be presented with this NICE photo. Went to the beach on the second last day, and this is what I got! COOL leh. Hope Bio-Oil and two other medicines my mom gave would be helpful. oohh noo!

*sniff sniff... walking off. bye!
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