It was Chu the sampat's bday.
celebrated it at Genting, with EVERYONE. so many guests together=)
MEMORABLE one huh chu.

Hope you enjoyed OUR companion. HEHE. more to come! *CHOY.
this is the gang, where is Pearly?

yup this is all of us, eh wher's pinky again? =S

Oh she's here! she's currently singing at genting's casino, so we 'shun bian' paid her a visit too.
it's actually, chu's bday, visit pinky and a lil bit of farewell saying byebye to me. BUHOO=(

At starbucks

At the escalator. haha

Thanks Pinky for the meals! BIGGG meals slurrp =P

This is the 全球新秀冠军, yoke. alah, we are like grasses beside her when ppl recognize her in genting. HAHAH=D keep up the good work and al the best in the future. HAIZ i forgot to get signature from her, mayb can sell in the future neh.

Okay now, let's recall something. HAHA OUR POSES! apparently before and after photoshop, ther's HUGE difference, WHO CARES rite? as long as we r HAPPY TOGETHER=)

BUHOO i am gona miss these sampats! CRAZY fellows. HAHA
1 comment:
dear ~i love ur design with the before & after pose~haha~^O^~but y u din put we imitate min min 1??wahahaha!!that 1 super funny~^O^~
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