CUTE rim! it's a teddy bear if u din notice it.
I wish I could have that too!

Last ..hmm... (forgot wat day it's) , chuchu brought me back to Zex (where I went to change my hairstyle) again,
the official hair saloon for some tv stations or maybe just Astro mandarin programs,
unfortunately the boss, Aaron wasn't there,
and see how NICE are our fringes. SIGH.
(it's grew longer now, after a few days) hehe

Finally found a brown framed specs, jus kinda matching with my hair.
we girls believe this kinda specs is to cover up ugliness when we dn't make up. haha=D
em, doesn't apply to wanyen since she doesn't put on make up.

okay. enuf of craps. i'm gona go back to Prison Break. I just started watching it. SLOW. haha=D
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