greyish color,
kinda...like it,
this s my first time wearing coloured contacts,
not like wanyen, she has been wearing since...last two yrs?
well, it indeed makes one look a LITTLE different when u look into the eyes.
dono what kinda difference isit,
in a good or bad way.
Went to CHMS for this function.
STarted pretty late, about 8pm plus,
the little cutie emcee successfully impressed the audience, esp the opening part.
the PA systems sucks, driving the singers mad.
the whole program finished at about 11pm+,
kinda tiring ..
Woke up shockingly in the morning,
knowing that a friend in KL has been striked by thunder and was admitted to hospital.
Just got the news that he's ok now.
Was super worried when i know he was in a really dangerous situation initially.
PHewww~ relieved, super-relieved.
Was sad cos I m afraid I wont be able to see him again...
now, no more worries.
I cant 'afford' to lose such a nice friend, such a nice guy and....a nice cook ( he has been cooking supper for wanyen and I for a few times),
he contributed to my fats le..
BIG BIG contribution ~
Get well soon QiuZQ.
knowing that a friend in KL has been striked by thunder and was admitted to hospital.
Just got the news that he's ok now.
Was super worried when i know he was in a really dangerous situation initially.
PHewww~ relieved, super-relieved.
Was sad cos I m afraid I wont be able to see him again...
now, no more worries.
I cant 'afford' to lose such a nice friend, such a nice guy and....a nice cook ( he has been cooking supper for wanyen and I for a few times),
he contributed to my fats le..
BIG BIG contribution ~
Get well soon QiuZQ.
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