-I wanted to prepare well for my exams, but I couldn't(reason: last minute)
-I thought of making some DIY cards for friend's and cousin's bday, but I'm a bit tired when thinking of that. ( needs loads of time n 'brain' to do that)
-I hoped I could revise the topics of every subject before the holidays, but now I m left with only 10 days.
-I wanted to please my lecturers by going to class on time everyday but I m short of time to have enough sleep
-I didn't not have enough time to think properly before doing anything that's why I tend to do mistakes without my own knowledge. (Eg: leaving comment for other's wifout thinking thoroughly today...was trying to JOKE, but the tone was wrong, so sad~)
-I wanted to call my parents during nite time but I wasn't at home( plus I dint bring my phone), therefore I didn't manage to call back earlier.
-I went Sunway Pyramid(main purpose: to exchange my shorts), but I totally forgot about it until I reached the destination! KEkkk....(din ve time to go back n take it agen-wastage of time) -I didn't have enough time to make everything perfectly done- skul works, proposals, reports....etc! -The time I m spending right now is wasted in complaints. I could use it to take a longer rest, or improve myself in some other things rather than BLOGGing~ But I enjoyed it pretty much though~
BUH, ENOUGH of the complaints... sometimes I just feel I really have the surname LAI(姓赖)- I tend to blame anything(someone-something) JUST to find excuses to forgive myself for my wrong-doings..WATS WRONG WITH ME?!
Anyways... Phew... I ll try to think more about it.. IMPROVE!!!! I need improvements in many things! I VE TO WORK really REALLY HARD..EXTRA HARD!!
Buh...photos....(brain gona burst soon..---AS IF~)
*sounds I m really stressed up, but NOT REALLY, sometimes, I just get too emotional and 'expressive'* Just edited this photo...haha=D I dint noe how to make myself into TWO, I took this photo in a mirror..=D(lousy)

Sunway Pyramid has NICE toilets.

This GUY was found in a newly opened shoes shop in Mid Valley
We cooked at home
haa..dats y I lurve this pic,it made a 18-years-old 'adult' feel YOUNGER~

1 comment:
Seriously. U can do all this if u learn organising ur stuff.
For example, keep a journal
and make a list of stuff u have to do the next day. A priority list.
I know its a bit hard to follow every single bits of details at times.
especially when u jus started this journal keeping habit.
the thing is, start doing it.
u be more organised as times goes by.. especially if u keep a journal, u actually think before u do anyting in particular. Thats mean when ur really executing or doing the thing.. u have think 'twice'
eventually, u will get on track
and slowly be more responsible as well.
keep a journal thats easily recognisable. i really cannot tahan all ur tiny handwritings or maybe.. those with winnie the pooh stuff.
Or buy a PDA.
i wan one.
getting so disorganised lately
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