actually my reply shud b, I don believe he ll do dat to me, cos I noe him, n U dono..
so stop saying dat!
anyway, when I was in the phone call,
I was speechless...
cos I was thinkin if he reli do dat to me, my heart will bleed, for sure
but I know his heart has broken into pieces now,
I m out of words for this "case" tho I ve loads of thinkings in mind...
jus don get used to write all my thinkings here, it's too much, TOO MUCH!!
这几天烦也烦够了,我不玩了...我也不再努力去解决这件事情,就如 louis 讲的,time is the best medicine(if i ve not mistaken)
so, lemme think of happier stuffs
o yeah, last weekend, I went shoppin for fully three whole days(almost)
fri nite, to Sunway Pyramid, dat stupid Maybank ATM Machine don lemme spend $,
cant withdraw anything...
SIEN~ then Tink*** I stil got brilliant idea, borrow from frens lor~ so easy
so sze yee withdrew from her a/c, then lent me some$
What did i buy agen??
c, when we get "older",
we tend to "take care" of our appearance more,
so ppl(don wana say WE, don wana admit)ll buy more clothes,
n those boutiques ll earn more profit,
as consumer's demand on the production s increasing(stupid econs)
This is my first Billabong shirt, third Billabong item( 1st is backpack from chyi, 2nd is wallet fromt Chyi too)
like this shirt cos it looks sporty enuf n it's so like Sim Pei Yi
When me n yiwen were hangin out in One-U on Sunday,
we found a nice place...ehseh
actually we found a good venue to PAK TO...
nice bridge?nice oh?
One day, I ll bring my nan ren go der...if der's one..=D
Then after "travelling" "around" the bridge,
we went to a playground nearby it,
reflect lifes during childhood...
owes crying (cos not satisfied yet)when gettin dragged back home after playin in the playground.
we don ve to make any decision..
don ve to use brain
don ve to ..
in short,
we don needa do n think of so much things..
My body is back here in KL,
but my soul is still in Brunei...
*sounds scary*btw-u noe wat i meant...
din reli started opening up my ears n listen to wat lecturers were saying,
luckili tests r not yet near yet,
so can enjoy a bit first la..
o yeah, met wif this monday,
he's still the old nice mr goo
love him so so sOOOO mUCH!!! (as a student)
scare her wife slap me bah..
her daughters r damn tall
the elder one(form one) is slightly taller than Goo
the younger one, ll soon grow taller too.
so JEALOUS!! aiya...Goo's daughter, contribute some height for me la..
Being short is jus so kelian..
Yan yee: Ceh! short jiu short lor, u can run fast bua...c ewen so tall for wat, she cant run faster than u( about this meaning)
Peiyi: (O.S: thanks yan yee for comforting me)
O yeah, the fat me is still not controlling my diet,
Bought 4 Snickers each for RM1.98 from Guardian,
n after hearin me sayin it's about RM1 cheaper than those 7Eleven n Kiosk(opposite to our college),
she decided to buy 3 too...
so, the Snickers r gona make us even "CUTER"-fatter cutter ma, m i right?
btw, my sis was kinda shocked when she knew about how "light"m i now.
sorry to giv ya a shock, don meant it,
my elephant-sized body jus cant "shrink" even when I tried ways to ...*lalaaa
YEAH!!! congratulations to me.!!
I no longer takut minum-ing SUSU already!!
haha, since 2 yrs old,
i don think i ve ever drank milk(jus pure milk wifout chocolate or watever)
n I started tryin to drink last two days,
and found milk actually doesn't taste that bad hurh..
good la..
can provide calcium to me weak bones,
so dat I can run faster (with strong bones)
n get fatter at the same time too(milk is fattening!!)
n let me look more like a cow..
went to a mamak to ve our early dinner or maybe yamcha-ing oni la at bout 4pm after psychology class(tcher owes let us out a bit earlier)
then I ordered Roti Pisang,
banana=squashed( yan yee n ewen said the indian squashed the banana pcs in my roti by grinding them in the mouth before puttin them in the roti~ GROZZZZZZZZ!! YUCKS!!, I hate them!! owes make me PUKE...
Fan nao-ing which shoes should I buy recently
need a pair of new shoes
my bloved Converse pink sneakers wore since sec five has went into graveyard-RIP
got a new pair at home,
but my mom asked me not to bring as the shoes isnt comfortable to wear.
n the other converse r so old liao...
so she "approved" me to buy a new pair,
still dono which pair to choose from...
Adidas, at least RM280 for each pair
Nike, about dat too
Converse--CHEAPEST!! n quite durable too...
I wan a multi-purpose shoes bah-
for sports, for shoppin, for walking...
Guys, any ideas?
I din say I wan a new bag too,
jus bought my ZH white and golden leather-like bag last month,
but it's not durable tho,
RM70 stuff, as expected, isnt as good as the more xpensive ones..
一分钱一分货, this is really true..
I want this Adidas bag!
isn't sure how much is it,
but for sure,
i cant afford it for now..
so SUAN LE ba..

n started "examining" the designs of the shoes..
this is cute isn't it?
but I saw some similar slip-ons like it,
costs around RM300+(pls refer to Figure 2.2--from Econs class)
ceh? who wana buy,
maybe when one day I m married or 钓到金龟胥...
then I ll buy...pls forgive me, I noe I m SOT~
pls get use to it soon.
frens around me have got used to it since yrs ago,
so they don give a shit bout it..

so hope my new good fren down ther,
the Xmas tree gal,
have adapted to MY way..
think she did
nice hanging out wif her tho.
LOV u Bel.
n lov everyone of u out der who treat me so nice!
N Taylors college's rules--
try to read down ther,
tried to take a clear pic
but my cam is gettin lousier
it's sumtin like for girls- no short skirts, no low necklines, exposing of midriffs..blbalablaabla
don even care, cos they r talkin bull shits, noone even cares about it, n the college doesnt even take any action to those who offend the rules
but LUCKILY got those who don follow rules
can c more MEI NV(pretty gals) ma, hotter babes..haa
hey! I've got a pair of Diesel shoes, not sure about the comfort but it's a good casual shoe. There's a nice shoe shop here called Sole the website, , pretty good-ish lol. Hope it helps a tiny bit! X
erm, dont get diesel
Buy converse then!!! haha
Nike dunks and etc be okie as well
Or get adidas stripes. they r nice and comfy.. hehe
Nike air force is good too.. hah
I want a converse canvas pair.
u better don get one too expensive tho
Get a nike dunk or cortez
They r comfy really
btw, billabong very cool meh?
I dont even buy them now
I buy cheap tings nowadys.
Cos i m cheap.
if u wan a pair of comfy
Get sometin from nike/adidas/converse la.
Don get NB or Reebok
They don last.
Try get made in china/vietnam or watever
Avoid thailand and indon
check out the airforces..
in the malls, tell me pricing too
they r the HOT tings nowadys..
Hahah o yea, can buy PUMA too
better try other brands la..
u had a converse before
but buy nike leh
they have nice shoes recentli..
eventho i don noe bout KL.
Adidas and nike sud be top on ur list
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