but now,
I jus realised I ve to finish a database system during the 2-weeks hols,
having a burden while "relaxing" is not fUN at al k?
and of course, i HATE exams as well,
if ther r no exams b4 hols,
I wont b having headache or dark circles around my triple-eyelids eyes..
talking about "insufficient" sleep..here u come..
SEE? this is my BU PIN..
i like to drink this kinda things,
cos got fragnance erh..
for some ppl,
it's not fragnance,
instead it's FOUL SMell..
And I don listen to ewen's advise n planned to re-dye my hair cos of the ugly blackie hair grown out..RM32.90 nehh..ewen tried this color n it looks quite okay..
N i bought this too, u noe la.. Contact lens, mA FAN one, so i gona use this BLINK BLINK thing..ahaa..no la, it's Blink and CLean..c, I M "CLEAN"..haha
I "was" trying to eat fruits ONLY for dinner, but failed lar(of course, I m so TAN CHI)
this is my dragonfruit..haha, i stil got plums n oranges in fridge...
ING SIANG I BOUGHT UR MAG!!! yeapie...i cant find old ones er..
this is my dragonfruit..haha, i stil got plums n oranges in fridge...
WAT??!!...u dye ur hair lagi??...wakkakaaka...drop by niax larx..bubyexx~~
seriously, u jus cant c ppl dye their hair too
so u beh song wana dye it again.
anyway, it doesnt matter for ur hair color to regrow really.
u spend 32.90 on a dye?
wah.. very daring hor
can eat 10 kolomee in msia lor.
ok la, i spend 9nzd on my last loreal dye. hahaha
p.s better don dye hair too much
once a 3 mths mianqiang okie.
but a lot of ppl still thnk 3 mths interval is a bit too short. hahaha
4 guai rens s siapa?haha
Thank you. xD I received your sms alrdy, you didn't receive mine? xD
Well, maybe I acn try to help you around with the database system? I am a noob too, but I think I can pick up fast, if I know what you want. =) maybe a couple of books wil help, I have some ebooks around, or can download more if you need. =) See first lo~ xD
Thanks! xD!!
Btw, don't dye your hair too much, not good for your hair.. =)
It is so good that you can dye ur hair. Unlike me, I dyed mine during the CNY and before the school start, I hafta dye back to black again. And I spent B$58 to dye it in a saloon. Haiz~ Why Brunei's gov't school can't allow student dye their hair.
So envy you... Hehe..
derick chua, wear a songkok
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