I am now having one week holidays,
which is 'replacing' one of the weeks from my September mid-sem break wth.
GOOD idea.
I've bought tics back,
and I think I'm gona just skip the classes as I've bought tics back to Bru n also to Kuching.
Such a sudden change haiz.
AHHH... I'm feeling so lazy, to do anything.
except from sleeping. dreaming... WAH damn relaxing. HAH
so here 'm I, starting to blog again due to boredom.
I'm always slower than wanyen in updating 'news'. haha.
call me slow tortoise or watever. I'm just pure lazy.
So earlier, it was wanyen's bdae celeb.
I'm glad to c dat she enjoyed the whole celeb.
She REALLY has a group of awesome girlfrens with her, with great bday celeb idea too.
So she had like, three get-together thingy to celeb her bday.
First one, to disappoint her at our own hostel with the small cuppycake.
Second, the real one, with a long row of close frens n coursemates sitting ther.
Third, a dinner at Chilli's, no more cake cos none of us is not overweight, okay mayb a few.

So, any suggestions ppl, what can I do in these few days?
5 more days to college reopening. SIENNNNNNNN.
Sunway Sunway n Sunway?
Home Home n Home?
Sleep sleep n sleep?
btw, thinkin back,
I haven't been attending much classes,
first week, got a MC for absence. second week... third week.. fourth week- HOLIDAYS!
wat the... it's seriously like... we haven't even started anything for this sem!
Only handed in one assignment, and the other assignment is postponed to September.
also, I kinda haven't get familiar with everyone in my new class.
I'm SO DEAD. Can I stop being ignorant about everything.
I AM SOOOOO LAZYYY although I know I shouldn't be.
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