walking towards me, they are getting nearer... NO!!!
Should have done some readings and do some preparation works for assignments coming up, but have been, as usual, procrastinating until today. I dreamt about the consequences of keeping up my 'good' attitude in studies, it's scary! NO!!!
Sleeping time is turned upside down, I'm wondering if I can wake up for class tomorrow. =S
Nothing much happened lately. I'm glad not much extra money is spent, just realized staying at home helps minimize my expenses, like seriously a lot. Hope it's not too late. HEHE. =P
Last weekend, ewen came to a visit, long time no see longlegs!
Someone took bus n came down from Damansara alone neh, WU SIM lah=)
cyah in Oct, have fun in Bru yoh
These three girls, thanks for coming that day,
I know you girls are real tired, THANKS A LOT for the companion muacks<3>

and this is the first fine dining we went to this time bk to college.
I guess nervousness is common when the lecturer is staring at you, especially when mistakes are done. Most of the friends are in the same situation when we went for their serving.
But still, good job Pen, you will improve even more after practices.

That was in Pyramid.

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