Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Went back to work for a few days,
then I can rest these few days, feeling less stressed, but bored, to the core.

I'm now working hard in looking for lyrics, learning to sing new songs,
and if possible, read some books, haven't done much of it though=S

Just came across this recently,
I think getting into this singing competition thingy isn't something meaningful or practical ,
especially to some adults, luckily not my own parents/ family,
(love them so much for supporting me in doing most of the things I want)
this is just something stupid to be done. FINE LAH
This really pisses me off, why do they have such fixed concepts in their mind,
can't it be a bit more flexible,
okay, you do THIS particular thing, you ARE wrong, no excuses,
you do THAT, okay, you are such a successful person.

sometimes I don't understand why some adults are hard-headed,
they never understand.
They just say, YOU ARE WRONG/ NOT GOOD JUST BECAUSE you DID something they disagree with. Wat the...
get a lil more open-minded can?
I hope these people can stay further away from me.

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