n before this, a friend of zonglin has mentioned to me about the audition,
he said I should join the audition..
but I never knew when is it~
TILL, today..about 230pm, n the audition started at 2 i suppose,
Jiani called me to go, she called me to go to the hall immediately,
like just simply sing a song i know.
Heart pouding fast, I din even noe what song to sing,
she said better sing english songs..
english songs?HUH? I barely listen to any english songs actually,
so I said, I couldnt make it,
but at last I decided to give a try, or to give a chance to myself.
-although I had no confident at all (as no preparation was made),-
L8r on, I called zonglin to go with me,
but he can't
- furthermore he din't even tell me about the audition~-
yisiang (his fren) asked him about it earlier, n he never mentioned it to me le~
he knew i wanted to go if he's going.., maybe he has forgotten about it
HmpH, zonglin u ll know when u get back from malacca~
Ok, at last I chose 倒带 and Gemilang for that.
Both also I can't remember the lyrics,
so I just quickly copied the lyrics and went for the audition with lyrics.
Without any practise, I was ready to disappoint myself actually,
just hoped for some kinda miracle in heart.
Saw Yisiang when I entered the hall,
ltr on I found Jiani,
yeah felt much more secured when i saw her,
cos I know she's my only close friend ther to support me.
She accompanied me to practise in another hall,
as I havent even 开音= (couldnt reach to the highest note yet, cos haven't been talking much since am),
so we went KAI YIN in the toilet, yeah, it worked, after going out of tune a few times in the toilet.
Suddenly another committee member rushed us back into the hall n said it's my turn.
God, so kamchiong one...
then I jus stupidly went up the stage n tested the mic..
Hmm..sound effect super lousy..
no echo at al~
then, I din even noe wher should I stand, on stage or in front of the 'judges',
btw, at last I preferred to perform in front of the judges wifout mic.
Stood ther, with the lyrics of 'Gemilang' on my hand,
stared at it for a few seconds, with my mind thinking of the key n so on..
oK. Started off...quite safely... ***Berjuta bintang menyanyi~....***
The next line, i din noe how to sing one, but i agak agak sing..
aha..then to the chorus, n to the bridge.. quite nervous,
but I kept reminding myself to calm down, so that I wont go out of tune.
The hardest part...have to 彪 high notes at the end..***Mungkinkah iniyeahhh...menjadi realiti..hmmmm~~~***
hmm..I thought ther's some not-obvious 破音, but luckily, noone actually realised it
Jenny (ccy's so-called gf-but nomore now), complimented me...
Most of them were quite surprised about it...
Maybe I don look like I can even sing..
bt ..yeah, I m proud of myself for having the courage to go for an audition today~
CLAP CLAP for me eh?
I never dared to go to auditions through these months eh?!
CLAP bahhh..
HahaS XD
First time I dared myself to sing such a challenging song.
I ve been choosing easy songs for myself in the past performances to avoid 'accidents'...
but this time..FINALLY, I m brave enuf, or should I say, I din have ENOUGH time to think about so much
And in my opinion, I think I did pretty Okay, n felt REALLY glad I din't miss this chance.
Special Thanks to Jiani, for asking n insisting me to go.
Thanks for the encouragements n confidence given to me~
I gona appreciate this chance,
I heard the lecturer saying that she wns me to do the opening performance.
I hope I could do it well..
a lil stressed already
(actually I shud focus more on studies first)
now started to think of the costume to wear liao=D
it's in Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel's Ballroom,
first time to perform in such a grand place.
N i shudnt dress up cheaply too.
so yeah....any ideas anyone?
wat shud i wear?
I ve something in my mind dy....
but I still need comments n opinions from u al~
THANKS a lot=)
leave comment or email me ...any ways u like
Muaxx<3 style="font-size:78%;">Super happy today altho I ve screwed up most of my exams.
今天让我感到被受肯定的感觉~ 信心也增加了一点~有那么一点点的成就感,
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