Thinking back, I then realised that I haven't been really appreciating the moments,
There's no rewind button in our life 'machine', so..
The only thing I could do now is to keep them as a memory eternally.
Been back for a performance in my last last hols,
Unwillingness struck me actually when I was requested to perform ZHONG GUO HUA from SHE, n moreover, the solo part from Ella, I wasn't good in rap-ing,
but I took the challenge after being convinced by Yew yew...(cos I luv her, so I did as wat she told me to...)
She said not everyone ll have the chance to go back to their school for performance,
so I better appreciate the chance given..
so yeah, off i went on the stage, (no la, i was given half a day to prepare~)
BUhhh..done wif this topic...(sorry for the CRAps..i din noe wat to write liao~)

This is also taken during my las las hol back~
Below shows the most trendy(esp her hairstyle) tcher in my skul..
think her hubby is selling hair products thingy~
This is drawn by me, yanyee, n three other boys..
COOL uh?
praise us a lil le..
it's stil in our skul now..
Stil remember it's a 100 contestants comp~
our hands got 'hardened' by paints..(cos we kehpoh used our hands to paint-faster mahh..
efficiency know o not?~ HAHAXD)
anyways, we jus feel proud that we can still c our work when we r back to ex-skul...
not much else..
Title: Unity-Peace-Love
The middle part of the whole skul..
Actually, when I first came to Taylors, many gave me a feeling that they r ashamed of themselves cos they r from Chinese skul,
Chinese skul DIU LIAN MEH?
then go for plastic surgery lah..
turn urself into an ang moh FOREVER,
n u wont ve to be so paiseh to be a chinese~
F*ck off! I HATE THESE PPL..
Most of them know how to speak chinese but they NEVER spoke,
until so many months, then I heard them speaking,
then surprisingly, they ARE from chinese school,
n they NEVER admitted about it~
OKAY, stop talkin about THEM..
make me feel like PUKING on their face
This meant a lot to me...
Every single one is done by one person..
1*1* stars.
Thank YOU
Have been complaining much to him recently...
I m sorry~Just being too much like a complain queen~
Took this specially to show yiqian, but i din bring the phone back or transfer the pic into my lappie last i ve got it, took it by myself in a restaurant in Yayasan..
SHOW OFF about bru mosque..
the 'onion-like' thingy is made of gold neh..
n noone ever climbed up n Korek it eh?
When I c this Egg Pudding Milk Tea,
can't help missing Brunei's one,
c, the pudding is SOAKED in the milk tea, WHOLE BIG PIECE!
n last few months back, I saw an Easy Way stall nearby my house n decided to make a try..
here is the conversation:-
Me: Uncle, did u forget to put the pudding?
Uncle: em...lemme c ah..
Me: ...*stared at him wif loads of ???? in my mind*
Uncle: *holding the cup high up* Noohh nohhh...c, I DID put the puddings!*pointing to the 'sliced' pieces(jus a few pieces) floating in the milk tea~ DUH!
Me: Oh.Okay...Thank u uncle
This is the difference between the quantity of 'goods' given by the sellers in Bn n My.
Similar occassion happened in Japanese Restaurants,
salmons are cut thick like hell in Excapade,
n what happened here is, u get paper-'thinness' salmons..-_-''
My dream car~ owner of 7816, I stole ur pic-think u took it in NZ eh?)
but the thing is- not many passengers can be fit in eh..
black n lime green is the nicest!

This is my idiotic sis in NZ....
I blame her for guiding me too much in everything..
so I feel so helpless without her here now~
P.s my housemates said she looks like the 超级女生 周笔畅 meh?
dun think so~
I re-opened the mails sent by my friends last few weeks..
n saw THESE..
how we looked 9 months back~
yeah..all included
Bel was fairer n younger before, now more mature...HAHA!! OLD BEL BEL!
Edwina hair has grown longer, n she looks nicer now...but stil stayed cute~
Others, almost the same..
I m not gona mention me n ewen..
u ll c by urself~
*SObbbb..... =(
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COOL CRAZY HAIR!
din noe my hair looked like this?
*I m comforting myself rite now...don gimme any comments about it! I WARN U! *AHEMM~
O yeah.WANLIN, DON EVER WEAR UR SPECS AGAIN, or else I ll FALL IN LOV WIF U, cos u look so PRETTY wif it.. college
Outside college~(fatter though) The photo above is taken about 3/4 months before..
n this-recently~
My Bn frens ll be like asking 'Peini, u wear makeups to skul everyday in KL ah?'
try askin my frens here...LOL, they ll explain it to u~
c how LA4 TA4 I m in college,
yeah..maybe one in a million times I d wake up early(accidentally)
then I ll apply some mascara to keep my eyes 'open' a bit,
or to be a little more confident( not reli actually)
I normally walk looking downwards when I m alone..
cos of X- confidence lah~
so ke-lian..
i Kelian myself..
Below shows the most trendy(esp her hairstyle) tcher in my skul..
think her hubby is selling hair products thingy~
This is drawn by me, yanyee, n three other boys..
COOL uh?
praise us a lil le..
it's stil in our skul now..
Stil remember it's a 100 contestants comp~
our hands got 'hardened' by paints..(cos we kehpoh used our hands to paint-faster mahh..
efficiency know o not?~ HAHAXD)
anyways, we jus feel proud that we can still c our work when we r back to ex-skul...
not much else..
Title: Unity-Peace-Love
Actually, when I first came to Taylors, many gave me a feeling that they r ashamed of themselves cos they r from Chinese skul,
Chinese skul DIU LIAN MEH?
then go for plastic surgery lah..
turn urself into an ang moh FOREVER,
n u wont ve to be so paiseh to be a chinese~
F*ck off! I HATE THESE PPL..
Most of them know how to speak chinese but they NEVER spoke,
until so many months, then I heard them speaking,
then surprisingly, they ARE from chinese school,
n they NEVER admitted about it~
OKAY, stop talkin about THEM..
make me feel like PUKING on their face
This meant a lot to me...
Every single one is done by one person..
1*1* stars.
Thank YOU
I m sorry~Just being too much like a complain queen~
SHOW OFF about bru mosque..
the 'onion-like' thingy is made of gold neh..
n noone ever climbed up n Korek it eh?
can't help missing Brunei's one,
c, the pudding is SOAKED in the milk tea, WHOLE BIG PIECE!
n last few months back, I saw an Easy Way stall nearby my house n decided to make a try..
here is the conversation:-
Me: Uncle, did u forget to put the pudding?
Uncle: em...lemme c ah..
Me: ...*stared at him wif loads of ???? in my mind*
Uncle: *holding the cup high up* Noohh nohhh...c, I DID put the puddings!*pointing to the 'sliced' pieces(jus a few pieces) floating in the milk tea~ DUH!
Me: Oh.Okay...Thank u uncle
This is the difference between the quantity of 'goods' given by the sellers in Bn n My.
Similar occassion happened in Japanese Restaurants,
salmons are cut thick like hell in Excapade,
n what happened here is, u get paper-'thinness' salmons..-_-''
My dream car~ owner of 7816, I stole ur pic-think u took it in NZ eh?)
but the thing is- not many passengers can be fit in eh..
black n lime green is the nicest!

This is my idiotic sis in NZ....
I blame her for guiding me too much in everything..
so I feel so helpless without her here now~
P.s my housemates said she looks like the 超级女生 周笔畅 meh?
dun think so~
n saw THESE..
how we looked 9 months back~
yeah..all included
Bel was fairer n younger before, now more mature...HAHA!! OLD BEL BEL!
Edwina hair has grown longer, n she looks nicer now...but stil stayed cute~
Others, almost the same..
I m not gona mention me n ewen..
u ll c by urself~
*SObbbb..... =(
din noe my hair looked like this?
*I m comforting myself rite now...don gimme any comments about it! I WARN U! *AHEMM~
n this-recently~
My Bn frens ll be like asking 'Peini, u wear makeups to skul everyday in KL ah?'
try askin my frens here...LOL, they ll explain it to u~
c how LA4 TA4 I m in college,
yeah..maybe one in a million times I d wake up early(accidentally)
then I ll apply some mascara to keep my eyes 'open' a bit,
or to be a little more confident( not reli actually)
I normally walk looking downwards when I m alone..
cos of X- confidence lah~
so ke-lian..
i Kelian myself..
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