Arrived my hostel at 3am this morning,
stupid Airasia,
delayed n delayed...
The flight was orginally set at 615pm(departure time)
delayed to 840pm, then to 10pm then finally 1115pm...
it's over 12am when we arrived in LCCT,
so taxi fees=double charge..
I din even feel like I ve been back to Bn..
stupid short hols~
In the plane, I was still thinking of the ppls in BN,
miss ya all..
esp my family members, ?, frens..
I din ve enuf time to enjoy the moments wif em..
time was not evenly n fairly divided for everyone i wanted to meet..
Din manage to meet Tcher Karen n Jiawen(as promised), Ronald, Joana, Mr Goo, my beloved tchers n frens etc.
Haiz..maybe ve to wait till yr end then..
Din reli remember wat ve I done for my return in bn this time,
everyday 'growing mushrooms' in Gadong?
worryin over the IT website but din manage to come out with anything productive?
Wanted to spend more time wif my family but kept running out frm the house?
Wanted to appreciate the moments with Ulxraxxx but was speechless most of time..
WALAO eh..
Din ve enuf time to do everything I ve planned to..
HOwever, the thing I m most concerned with right now is....----MY WEIGHT
no, wrong expression, it shd b =S or =(
ppl r complaining I m too fat...
SOMEONE is complaining about it too
d u love me more if i m slimmer..
yes i do..
yea, mom i noe u ll, love me more when I lose weight...
haha, which is kinda..impossible=S
Back to my old lovely CHMS..
still the same old look,
cant walk pass the 'monkey area' anymore(path to the canteen),
ve to go through Darussalam Hall then u can reach canteen..
din meet many tchers..
din wana c those whom i don wana meet
Watched performances n competitions organised by English tchers..
em, modern dance- current CHMS students, of course still the experienced ones r better...
glad to c some WOW performances AGAIN in CHMS
the sound system seemed to be better this time...(for the singers)
2nd or 3rd of sep is CHMS's Funfair,
kinda disappointed dat I ll nt b in Bn at dat time.
O yeah, thanks Sheau mei's family, ultraman n of cos my parents for sending me off in airport..
was surprised dat sheau mei was omos crying...
meimei too..don worry i m comin back to (once agen) create noise pollution in dec HAHAHAHA!!!!
3 more months to complete my SAM program,
if I don study hard in this 3 months' time,
IF I DIE, U ll DIE TOO(u'noe wat i meant~) HAHA=D
buh TATA
Some of the photos taken in Brunei(din take many though)
1 comment:
ulxramxx!! xD!! xD!!
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